United StatesDiscoCokkroach1 year ago

I was not aware that there was a Discord server! Athough... what else should I have expected, honestly? :P

Thank you for informing me. I'll join up and join in on the discussion there.

SableSoldi3r curtiram isso
United StatesDiscoCokkroach1 year ago
  1. Will Circuit Mode be allowed?

  2. Will the use of Energy Absorber (forced Booster Chip) and Flying Strike (forced Burst Technique) be allowed?

United StatesDiscoCokkroach1 year ago
Esse comentário foi excluído
United StatesDiscoCokkroach6 years ago

It means the Wii Virtual Console version specifically. Using a Wii Homebrew emulator would be classified as an emulator run (although the only emulators allowed are Project64 1.6 & 1.7).

Cofi_SL curtiram isso
United StatesDiscoCokkroach7 years ago

The best thing to do is to define your own rules for Glitchless, start consistently doing runs, and share them with other S3&K runners. If it catches on, then maybe the definition discussion will move forward. If it doesn't catch on, then at least you're having fun.

Lunkhead curtiram isso
United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

Can you easily un-mod the game when you want to go back to playing regular FF8? I really want to try this out.

United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

Okay. Thank you very much for answering my questions. Good luck at AGDQ, as well!

United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

Although now that I'm here, I'm just wondering: How do the PSN versions of MML1 and MML2 hold up when compared to playing on original console (if you happen to know about it)?

United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

Whoever sold me the disc clearly restored it, since it was strangely scratch-free on the data side except for the part around the hole in the middle. Considering that every other game I own works fine on my main PS2, I decided that it wasn't worth the headache and I returned it. I'll just get a different copy, or maybe I'll buy the PSN version.

United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

I got a PSX copy of MML recently, and the audio skips like crazy during certain cutscenes and when characters talk during gameplay (although in-game music, SFX, and stuff like Juno's attack call-outs are unaffected, strangely). Also, only when I play on my PS2 Slim (I have a Phat and a Slim), cutscene audio gets super out of sync and the video plays much slower than the audio.

Miraculously, the gameplay is still perfectly intact when I play on a PS2 (my PSone, not so much), which means I could still speedrun the game just fine. However, I got this game for reasons other than speedrunning, and the voice acting (which skips on my current copy) is one of the highlights of the game, IMO.

I'm just wondering how common audio issues are with PSX MML, and I know that speedrunners look very deeply into their game, so I figured you guys would be the best people to ask about this.

tópico: Talk
United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

A Link to the Past is my recommendation for a Zelda newcomer. It is the perfect Zelda game in my opinion.

A Link Between Worlds is great, too, but I would recommend beating ALttP first if you can manage it.

Ocarina of Time is always a good bet. It is worth at least one playthough. The 3DS version has some QoL improvements, but any version is fine.

Wind Waker is fun if you like to get immersed into a game world. I always found it relaxing to just sail across the sea. It's a very "artsy" kind of game. Wii U version is probably better since it cuts out some filler that was tedious in the original GCN version.

I find Zelda 1 a lot of fun, but the old school difficulty might turn some people off. I recommend using a map/guide, even on a first playthough.

I can't really speak for the other games since I haven't played them as much.

8bitOnigiri curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

Hi. I would like to be set as a Fangame and a Webgame. Thanks!

EDIT: I'd also like for to be listed as a Fangame.

tópico: Mega Man X4
United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

I like the way PS1 feels the most, but yeah, XC is just faster.

tópico: The Site
United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

I'm the mod of the game I want to upload a resource for, and I can't find how to do it.

United StatesDiscoCokkroach8 years ago

The MMU speedrunning community is rather small, and unless we start to get super competitive, I see no reason why we can't go on an honor system for submitting runs. If things change in the future, then verification may become a thing, but until that day comes (perhaps in the year 20XX?), I would like for runs to be immediately reflected on the leaderboards.

United StatesDiscoCokkroach9 years ago

I don't even know what vsync is. How do I switch it on or off?

United StatesDiscoCokkroach9 years ago

Twitch started working again, so all of the runs are now officially verified! Yay! :D

Sobre DiscoCokkroach
9 years ago
6 days ago
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