tópico: Hard Reset
Dencity4 years ago

Disabling the DLC will just hang after the intro vids forever.

Just run it up to the results screen after killing the Constructor and end there.

The Extended Edition patch, which added Exile, effected nothing that would effect a run up to the Constructor, so instead of forcing people to go and find a way to download the version before Exile was added, I made runs through Exile their own categories.

C7AY curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Dencity7 years ago

This'll be my last one since Racing's proved himself to have no ground to stand on since I went to bed.

[quote=Racingmonster]But I proved everything, they say everything.[/quote]

Again, typing something out does not count as proof. Is this really that hard for you to understand?

[quote=Racingmonster](Before you say you aren't, weirdly enough your other forum posts are deleted but the replies to me, hiding something huh?) [/quote]

I have never before posted to these forums since their inception. Again, good try, though. If an admin wants to take their time to confirm that, they can.

[quote=Racingmonster] It was meant as a joke manner (and unless you can't detect sarcasm, grow up)[/quote]

Using a racial slur in a joke still shows the kind of person you are. If you didn't want it used or brought up, you shouldn't have linked to it. You don't get to pick and choose what's used against someone without people doing the same to you.

[quote=Racingmonster]but since when me and lo1ts discussed it in chat on a livestream[/quote]

Except, apparently, you didn't. Prove otherwise.

[quote=Racingmonster]my views skyrocketed and im sure someone recorded it and left after I was done talking about it. [/quote]

Again, the burden of (Actual.) evidence is on you.

[quote=Racingmonster]You just said that I made him look bad as a person, not a mod. PROVED my point you are undeniably bias. This is NOT personal but professional. Thanks for helping prove you bias.[/quote]

I'd just like to point out that you said I should grow up if I couldn't detect sarcasm. You wanna be the pot or the kettle?

[quote=Racingmonster]And as a Game mod, I'm sure everyone expects you to have rules set up and not blanks over the entire leaderboard, don't try to justify him as a mod when you don't even do yours lol ( [/quote]

OH SHIT, YOU GOT ME. Except, oh, wait, the moment I saw that, I added categories that included the DLC. Thanks for taking that bait, by the way.

[quote=Racingmonster]Now im done with you. Just hearing you bias is just funny now. [/quote]

Yeah, I am biased. Against a child throwing a temper tantrum because he hasn't gotten what he wants.

[quote=Racingmonster]Also I have people that said they want to intervene[/quote]

And I totally have a girlfriend that goes to a different school far away, so you wouldn't know her.

[quote=Racingmonster]but I said not to because I can hold my ground, but you and havi are aiding Lo1ts because he has nothing to say about my reasons.[/quote]

First off, constantly repeating the same baseless crap over and over again is not "holding your ground". Second, I don't have to aid Lo1ts with anything. He's responded to all of your "reasons", you just won't accept those responses, but expect everyone to accept yours. You're not special just because you feel you are. You don't get to demand proof and not show any yourself. And before you go and type out more of your "proof", I'd advise you to go back and read the top of this post again.

This was fun. See ya'll in ~6 months, apparently.

YUMmy_Bacon5, HowDenKing e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Dencity7 years ago

This comment has been redacted by the moderator team because it contained offensive slurs.

YUMmy_Bacon5, TheGlitched64 e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Dencity7 years ago

(quote​=Racingmonster)I did try to work it out with you, and you refused. No leader in community will be like that.(/quote​)

So no community leader is allowed to have an opinion of another person and distance or, in this case, choose to not interact with said person altogether? I didn't know community leaders had to be robots with no personal opinions. Shit, just from these few posts you've managed to drool out, I wouldn't want to interact with you in any capacity.

[quote=Racingmonster]So Do i (well have another one now, but didn't get a start date yet.) lol?(/quote)

So you don't have a full-time job.

(quote​=Racingmonster) But doesn't mean I don't spend 10-15mins a day to do my job as a mod and check up on things(/quote​)

You must be set in life and have everything you want if using any amount of time outside of working a full time job to moderate a hobby is a high priority to you.

(quote​=Racingmonster)aswell as provide my input with other game mods on a decision.(/quote​)

Havi has already stated that speaks with Lo1ts if something comes up.

(quote​=Racingmonster)But you liked others posts between the 3 hours I didn't reply ( I was at my pt job) So that claim is crap. You could of made a reply, and didn't.(/quote​)

Do you seriously even think about the drivel you type out? Reading something and pressing a little icon takes much less time than responding in a coherent manner. Did it ever occur to you that, in that amount of time - 3 hours, as stated - that he could have been on oh, I don't know, a break? I'd be happy he is actually paying attention to this shitfest instead of thinking about his job. Because I sure wouldn't.

(quote​=Racingmonster) I don't like being a dick like this(/quote​)

Don't lie, especially to yourself.

(quote​=Racingmonster)After listening to how people like Donald Trump handles people making invalid/lies on him, and his responses(/quote​)

So you're gonna plug your ears and go "lalalalalawrongwrongwrongwrongIcan'thearyouI'mrightI'mrightIshoudlwinIshoudlwinIshoudlwin"? Wait, why is that a question? You've already been doing that.

(quote​=Racingmonster)That eventually they will stop when you keep proving them wrong with factual evidence, which I have and it worked.(/quote​)

Most of your "facts" have been hyperbole. Your only factual statements - you know, things that have actually been proven? - are that Havi verifies runs faster than Lo1ts, that Lo1ts doesn't like you (Oh dear lord say it ain't so!), and that, even if someone prioritizes other things over a hobby, you'll still want to be special and have them devote their precious time to you.

(quote​=Racingmonster)It's whatever really. But if a ghost mod is being asked to be removed in future on this thread and I see, I will back that Ghost mod up because the site admins didn't make the right choice in removing Lo1ts (if they don't) I won't let bs happen to me and no one else.(/quote​)

I just really liked this one. Shows that you're actually a petulant child.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Lo1ts, e Havi curtiu isso
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