I am a bit puzzled myself as well. The manip seems to be right :/
With 40 Agility Honey at Chapter 4 and 14 Intelligence Honey on Chapter 5 I get those stats. Still manage to have 23K Gold to refill on Fog Cards and Medicines!
You're right, I could move the honey grind to Chapter 4 where Agility Honey is first available. At lvl 12 and with 40 Agility Honey Rooks makes it to 160 Alertness.
The extra money at the beginning of chapter 5 could be used for a couple of Intelligence Honey (8-10) and it might be enough. My PB skips the Golden Sword in Stavery Tower 10th but could be a nice safety to get that money to ensure 3 more honeys.
I was rewatching the Rimsala fight video. Although you enter the fight with 160+ Alertness, Rimsala manages on a few occasion to attack 3 times in a row. I definitely notice that Rooks gets more turn. I would be curious to fiddle with this and apply it to the run. The Rimsala fight seems faster that way.
I wonder how I could get to 90+ INT and 160+ Alertness
Sorry I got carried away, so you did not buy any Intelligence Honey at all ?
The speedrun route makes it to Rimsala around lvl 17 which would get Rooks max HP barely under 400HP. Are the stats per level the same in the mod ?
Inventory placement is important.
- Ensure a Wind card and Earth Card
- Buy a Whip, exit the shop and equip the whip to Teefa
- Buy 4 medecine then glitch the menu.
It should do the trick to scroll up :)
I definitely would like to hear about the suggestions you might have! I can never thank you enough for all the research you have made on the subject :)
Up to you if you prefer a different topic or keeping things in this thread.
I was looking through the documentation that you provided. I was wondering if you would happen to know what is the formula to calculate how Intelligence influence Magic Defense (Accuracy and Damage). I seem to be able to abuse the shop glitch to grind 24 Intelligence honey I wouldn't have otherwise on the normal run.
When I get to Rimsala, Attribute 11 (85% Accuracy, 200 Power) seems to be missing a bit more and definitely hit between 20-30 dmg less on average. I can try empirically (I would assume that Int would max out at 255) to determine if it truly influence the Accuracy but having the formula itself would be great.
Moreover, mitigating those nasty sleeps (70% Accuracy) would be great as well haha
So I have been getting very good results so far and got a decent pace starting Chapter IV but the run died in Chapter V. I can repeat the Shop glitch in Chapter III and Chapter IV. And so far I have been able to optimize Chapter I to III dungeons by having to take fewer steps by skipping the honey farming.
I have been trying to experiment with the shop glitch but I do not understand all that is implied behind. I was wondering how hard it would be to equip Rooks with the Giant Sword instead ?
Oh man this brings so much potential, and still have plenty of money :O
Apart from selling unused memory for a lot of money (which have gotten me rerouting a bit my run). Is there any way to use the shop glitch to add an item to the inventory ?
In the RAM Map section I see
$1419–1458: Equipment inventory (2 bytes per slot, $20 slots: ID then Equipped By)
- Equipped by flags:
- #$00: Rooks
I would assume that something along adress $0E00 would equip the Crystal sword to Rooks ?
I have been playing around with this shop glitch and it could be leveraged to improve some routing. Out of curiosity, do you have any documentation towards which unused memory maps to what ?