Hey Benchilada
For a category to be added, start running it and get more people to run it also. I don’t think there is a push to add more categories at the moment due to the numbers running all the current packages. I would recommend, complete the run and put up your time in the Discord server and see who else might be interested in running it. I personally would not see it as a multiplayer run as it could prob be a very short run for even a single player. Again jump on the discord and put up your PB for it and see who joins in.
I agree here, The autosplitter only allows Livesplit to interact with files when you hit the milestones of the run. This doesn't change the game or the way it works and doesn't effect the game itself.
I think it will take time, we have to see how the 2 and 3 package pan out first. The 2 is at 3hrs 10mins at the moment. I just wonder how long the 3 will be if someone runs it
As mentioned by toraji, the most important ones are the start and the end. The timers start the sec you have freedom to move from the drop pod and ends the second the pull handle reaches the bottom and locks. The splits all depend on how you put together your run. Your run might be slightly different than someone else’s run so your splits might be different. I also recommend a shortcut on your keyboard. I use the enter key as my shortcut. It’s very easy to hit with my right hand that holds the mouse.
DOes anyone know how the save game files work for the games. Is there a macro that could be linked form the game to the Live split software to update automatically while you play???
I have submitted a suggestion on the Satisfactory Q&A page to have the option added to select the starting point on the map for a Speed run. It would cut down on the amount of times you have to back out of a run due to landing at the second site in the Northern Forest. Link is below, All up votes welcome.
This looks good and would be great for the longer runs for the 2 and 3 Package runs.
There is two definitions of skip intro, there is the skip intro that puts you past the Tier 0 stages and there is the skip the drop pod sequence at the start of the game. The skip intro in the rules is referred to skipping the drop pod sequence at the start of a game. When the sequence starts with you sitting in the drop pod and been sent to the planet surface, press Esc and there is an option to skip the intro in the menu.
I don’t think there is any plans to add any more categories unless there is interest in it. If you want to add a category m, do a run of it and see if a few others give it a go and want to submit it. The only issue with running experimental is that it could chance with each bug fix.
Hey peeps, we may need to add an Update 3.5 category. There was a visual glitch fixed in Update 3.5. The items around the second drop are now visible.
All runs are completed in Early Access. None are done in Exp as there can be bugs that can change with a bug fix update.
I think the Skip Intro would make the runs very short, perhaps too short. But i havnt tried it.
Hey Azhyl, I agree with you, when the factories start getting big, its alot of time for smaller steps forward. Both the ideas are good. I would def give them a go. Its also difficult to see what might be good ideas as the game can change so much form update to update, e.g from Update 2 to 3 really changed the Package% run.
Found out this week that this is impossible, there is no Iron Rods, Iron plates or concrete at any of the crash sites. You would have to use some manual crafting to get to constructor tier to cut out the workbench work.
This is possible, you have to find the crash sites with the correct items to get you started and producing the min amount of items, A plan of every drop pod and items would be handy.
I got an idea from the reddit page of a Package% run with skipping the intro?? or maybe a 2Package%??