jogada: Kit's Quest
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode11 months ago

Thanks! Pretty surprised this happened, literally never got this first try before and was mainly doing it as a joke, then continuing with a slight alteration to the previous strat.

Probably the fastest sane way to do it, though it might be possible to do it by just falling onto the sign, or falling off the ledge then doing a mid-air jump, instead of doing the first jump like I did.

Then there's the whole thing of me missing a berry at the start, so if anyone wants to beat it there's ~3secs.

tópico: Ravenlok
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

It would seem Bunny% is an all figurines run, returning them to the collector and then finishing the run as usual. Then Wonderland% seems to be the equivalent of 100%

But chances are if you route and record a new category of your own design that it would be accepted. That's usually what happens on leaderboards, as long as someone is willing to put in the time to run it then mods have no problem helping :)

SomethingSaph curtiram isso
jogada: Soulcaster
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

I made a personal auto splitter. I couldn’t get it to start on new game, the official start point. Instead I manually timed the difference between when the run should start and when my splitter started, which was 2.53, to make it accurate.

thedailyhose curtiram isso
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

Did you downpatch? I think it's fixed on the latest version. Should remain forever, doesn't get un-triggered.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

No problem, glad you were able to figure it out! Best of luck with your runs. :)

Phasio e Chottue curtiu isso
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

I added my splits to the resources page so you can download that if you'd like, unless you want to make your own.

If you want to use the new splits from resources: Right click, hover over open splits, near the bottom it says From file..., then navigate to where you downloaded it.

They're formatted to have sub splits, to use those: Right click, Edit layout..., click on splits, then the minus button on the left, Then the plus button, List, subsplits.

Or if you don't want sub splits, just edit out the - in the names and remove the hub splits.

To activate the autosplitter: Right click, Edit Splits..., Select Kao the Kangaroo (2022) as the game name and any% as the category, under attempts there should be an activate button to click. Finally beside that click settings and toggle where you want the autosplitter to split. e.g if Icy Slopes isn't in your route or if you don't want it to split on finishing the intro, you can turn them off.

Best of luck!

Phasio curtiram isso
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode1 year ago

Vid used for the doc was removed but you can see the setup here. essentially you need to kill these frogs in dark forest, only some are needed to trigger walt. Then start talking to walt and die to the remaining frogs. Then mash to finish the text (not 100% sure this is necessary been awhile) This will activate godmode and you'll be invincible to lava, rolling spikes, other enemies, fire etc. You can still die to the void / water and the main downside is if you ground pound into the void you'll respawn spinning and 90% of the time are stuck that way indefinitely without exiting and re-entering the level.

Chottue e Phasio curtiu isso
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

It is possible to restart a level as it is ending, this will still increase your progress but you'll remain on the level you restarted on. In this sense you can replace the following level with current level to save time and it can be chained.

More information to follow but for now here's an example (Thanks to Ensanity): 1_01 28.68 1_02 28.68 Skip with 1_01 1_03 24.97 1_04 24.73 1_05 23.76 Skip with 1_04 Rough estimation for Floor 1 IL.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

You can also get a double teleport in 3_02 get sent to 3_03 and complete it to skip 3_05.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

Added them to the guide but thought I'd post them here as well. These are the new 3_06 skip and the 4_02 double teleport.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

In 4_02 you can instantly jump off the platform and teleport to the white teleporter while falling, sometimes you'll get enough distance to land on a pipe and make it across.

Also if you set your aim up correctly and mash fast enough you can get at least a double teleport so you could also skip 4_04 which would normally take ~22secs.

(This technique is also possible in 3_07 but isn't worthwhile as you just get sent back to the floor 3 and are unable to progress as the elevator never opens)

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

In 4_01 you can get a launch similar to that in 5_01 off the red teleporter to land at the exit, though it's similarly really precise and I'm not not sure if it saves much time.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

Looks like I never posted this one for 4_07 here, so here it is.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

Using the same idea, in 4_08 you can rotate the level before trying to teleport to white to get green. Instead you jitter teleport to white while it's on the ceiling, partially go through the ceiling, grab green, then fall back through. Haven't timed it but it most likely would save ~10secs first try.

Side note: it might be faster if you could get blue, but I wasn't able to in my attempts.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

I took another look at 3_06, I noticed that if you aim from behind, pretty high and in the centre of the red teleporter near the exit that you would start to gain height, I then noticed that there was a beam going across the top you could land on. After the use of autoclicker at 40cps and a couple of attempts I was able to jump from the beam over the blue wall to the exit. (Not 100% if you're getting flung away or jumping off of it but it looks more like a jump so I'll go with that.) Lowered the autoclicker to 10cps and was was able to re-create it again. Finally I was able to get it twice manually, both taking ~3mins each. In theory it would save ~30-35 secs if gotten first try, but it is relatively precise to get the first few teleports and at least for me jitter / butterfly clicking consistently or for a long time isn't that reasonable.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

Been awhile but I remember spending a long time messing with those teleporters and wasn't able to clip out, If I remember correctly, you can clip I think on the white teleporter in the red area, then get blue while falling, then teleport back in. But there's a lot of death planes and by the time you've gotten blue the teleporter is a pixel and pretty difficult to aim at.

tópico: Tailspin!
Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

If you jump and keep holding it then dash into / through something you'll fall slower, also if you hold jump when dashing down into a bouncepad you'll go a tiny bit higher.

However, if you were to dash of something then dash back and keep holding jump then the slow fall effect doesn't happen.

Can be useful in a couple areas. e.g bottomless pit to skip the moving platform and to slow fall to make dashing into the final dirt instantly a lot easier, instead of having to bonk on something first to slow you down.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode2 years ago

minor development, it would seem angling yourself slightly more right before walking into the wall makes it less likely that you'll hit something. Also it would seem when aiming for the blue teleport pad finishing by moving the mouse down left makes it more likely to get shot higher.

I line up with the forth line on the wall, then use the edges of my screen to line up with the blue walk pad and the top of the blue teleport pad. Then I was using an input display and when the dot was in the bottom left and I was aiming roughly centre of the black stripe on the teleport pad. I got it twice in ~5-10mins of trying.

Kilkenny, IrelandClashCode3 years ago

The timing for the previous skip is really tight. It's easier to aim to die at the checkpoint near the bell then do this.

Sobre ClashCode
4 years ago
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