tópico: Mega Man X
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

To make it easier on the mods i think that submitting on both is better, if you however dont want to do that, eventually they will be ported over

tópico: Mega Man X
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Bosspider seems to be just being good at reacting, from what i can tell. basically getting used to read the patterns on the threads

BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

I think you mostly have to guide yourself by the number of rolls you do, since the roll has a set distance you can count them to localize yourself.

On bosses the most reasonable strat would be spamming arrows and listening to the sound to see if the boss is close or not, the more the arrows delay to hit, the farther they are. Kinda tricky but doable.

No clue what you would do on the angel miniboss tho. Queen Might be a pain, Lubella 2 might me a pain, Fennel has sound cues that you can use, Duquess would a nightmare

BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

yeah SNeeaaky actually managed to do just that, he even got the quick kill. A full run of the game blindfolded would be more interesting in my opinion

tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Dont get me wrong, I'm not "Harassing othe users", i just wanna stop receiving notifications for one line messages. I wanna see where the discussion is going, since this affects the board, but at the same time getting 2 notifications of the same guy saying things that could be said in one post is getting extremely annoying.


animalistic urges Come back when you know what that means, thank you very much

tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Could you please stop spammimg the fucking forum with messages that are one line long? This isnt a fucking chat, this is a forum. Say everything in one post or edit it if you forgot anything. Getting 10 notifications because of your incapacity in using something so simple as a forum is starting to get annoying.

tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Lets Go at this point by point: 1 - That is true, you never Said you would Hand over moderation, and thats the whole problem. You said that you could bring in additional mods, people you said you trusted and that Im sure most of other people also do. So, If you Trust them, why would you refuse a board moderated ONLY by them? The Logical conclusion is that you dont want a good board, you want a board moderated by YOU. Therefore, you are on a Power trip. Case and point. 2 - I never called you names, i never interacted with you enough out of this mess to have an opinion about you. Im only stating what seems to be the opinion of various runners Ive heard talking about you. 3 - you seem to be confused over what being a mod is. Being a mod is much more than Just having time and playing the game. Is knowing the game enough to know If someone is cheating or not. Is knowing for example, what are the difference between a run on emulator and a run on console. Is being a person that the runners of the community know they can Trust to ask things about the game in question. And more importantly, someone that recognizes when he is wrong and when he made a mistake. You dont seem to have any If those characteristics and your image on the eyes of ALL of the people that are involved in this seem to be worsening by every post you make. 4 - Im not throwing a tantrum, after all, im not the one behaving like a kid that Took a toy from other kid and doesnt want to give It back because he thinks "He deserves the toy". Rethink your actions.

Zantru curtiram isso
tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

I am here because I am a runner of MMX3, therefore this concerns me Just as much as It concerns you, Luiz or any other that has a time on the LB.

You had arguments that Sounded reasonable at First, but refusing to hand over moderation to people that YOU yourself Said was trustworthy Just proves youre in a fucking Power trip thinking you have to save the world or some BS. Be real, no one can be a moderator of anything If at least half of the people he moderates think that hes either a douchebag, Crazy or unbearable. You dont have the qualifications to be a mod. Admit that and Step down. Im not even taking sides here as you seem to think. If i was taking sides i would be demanding moderation for Het and Luiz. But Im not.

Im asking for the middle ground you said to be searching for in the beggining and you clearly refused when Kehanort asked you.

Stop throwing a tantrum, its getting stupid

tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Crisco, stop. Youre Just embarassing yourself at this point. Since we clearly seem to have "two sides" on this shitstorm: Het, Luiz and friends and Crisco, Cyberdemon and friends, i sugest you hand over moderation to someone who's os not involved in all this and is trusted by both parties.

Trying to force your way in like this is only going to be met with heavier backlash from people who dont like your methods.

Stop this nonsense and be reasonable.

Find someone that both parties can accept as mod AND have the time AND is willing to do the job só we can close the Window on this shitstorm. I was tired of this crap, now its getting fucking rudicullous and annoying

EDIT: I want my time out of the LB while this shit is sorted out. Also this is the Second time you submit a run on my behalf without consulting me. Great way of proving your point of "I asked for permision from every single one of them"

tópico: The Site
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

This whole thing is starting to get Dumb and stupid. People that have nothing to do with the situation are starting to give opinions like this is some Kind of Voting system. Well, i have news for you, It isnt.

Clearly the majority of X3 runners dont want their times on the LB's here. Otherwise they wouldnt remove them. The majority of the community agrees that Crisco & crew are not responsible and reliable enough to be mods of the game. Otherwise this whole thing wouldnt even be happening.

Saying that you think that every LB should be on this site changes nothing. The majority of the community likes the MMRTA LB's, and they are funcional, clean and up to date. I dont understand why It would be "starring into the abyss" If that even means anything. The community puts their times wherever they feel its best, case and point.

Can we Just have a redirect with someone trustworthy as mod? I'm tired of this crap

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

But why would you need 2 different LB for the same game? MMRTA been around a long time, and it always worked, and it works until this day. Why feel the need of changing something that is working? Why feel the need to "fix" something that isnt broken?

The MMRTA LB works as it is, it doesnt need to migrate here, nor we should bother mods with needless work that changes nothing. If theres a way of automatically sync both of them that would be fine. Otherwise i dont see the purpose.

EDIT: Also, if the community wanted to be on this site, it would be here already. This is clearly an effort of a small group of few that, for whatever reason, doesnt like the LB that we have now. Whatever the case may be, putting runs here is pointless and acomplishes nothing, a redirect for the MMRTA is the best option

YUMmy_Bacon5 e LuizMiguel curtiu isso
tópico: Mega Man X3
BrazilCelestinno7 years ago

Good Job Laseki, enjoying the new board

Sobre Celestinno
7 years ago
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