tópico: Warframe
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

Hey, thanks for this, Twitch would be the best way to get a hold of me. (

zopney curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

surely someone could just host a hamachi server and then everyone can connect via the hamachi IP which takes like 5 minutes to set up and isn't difficult in the slightest also when are we going to allow bhop scripts so i can clutter up the leaderboards with pointless shitty runs like i did with l4d2 surely we all want l4d1 to stay in line with l4d2 right : )

EDIT: okay maybe not, the 1.0 version requires steam to set up a lobby even if its just a local server and the 1.0 version i use is a nosteam version which is the only version i can find so youd need a dedicated server running 1.0 to connect to and that might not even work

AndreaRovenski curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

im not saying youre wrong or that theyre wrong im saying i can understand both sides to put it bluntly, its not you thats being sassy but i didnt want to say that because i figured it would be taken the wrong way as if i have beef with any names i mention which i dont but enough about pointless drama there's no other real way to tell other than checking to see which skips are done and that might not even work because someone new to the game might not know how to do the skips but still run on 1.0 or something im not entirely convinced the version column is even necessary or worth the effort in figuring out for each run

AndreaRovenski curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

i mean like flicky/adam/oasis/freezard were the people who set this up in the first place so i can understand why flicky doesnt take kindly to some guy just coming in and changing everything but the sass is unnecessary from both sides also

"I'm not sure how to determine at a glance which runs are 1.0 and which are Newest since I don't yet have experience with it, is there an easy way to tell?"

the main menu for 1.0 is always going to be the back alley from no mercy in the newer versions its the crash course helicopter and if the console is opened i believe it shows version info but that may just be l4d2 idk

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

jesus christ its a speedgame stop being drama queens

AndreaRovenski, Darkossz e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

Damn, sub 53 almost put a tear in my eye, Oh well, one second doesn't matter. :'^( And for the 60fps thing, I was just counting the frames in Vegas; the project settings I use always default videos to 60fps, so I had to readjust the frame-to-time calculation based on that, but it looks like I was a frame off anyway. Kappa

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

I'm fine with the rejections. Freezard's IM videos are on SDA already, so you could probably find an easy way to port them over if you wanted to go that route, as well. When it comes to the All Campaigns run in 1h 12m 59s, there isn't a video for that one so I'm not sure how they'd show proof. The only video from those four runners I can find is from AGDQ 2013 but with a worse time, so I guess you could put that one in its place for now or something? idk () (feel free to check out the comments for some cringe)

"I just don't understand how they were previously getting the times... the current first place No Mercy, for example, is submitted as 10:37, but when I time it based on the upper-left perspective (who appears to be hosting) I get 11:15.007."

I tried removing the loads correctly myself, not that I didn't believe you, but 40496 frames at 60 fps is 00:11:14:56, which still doesn't explain how they got their time of 11:38 on the video and their submission time of 10:37. I honestly have no clue. Maybe they meant 11:37, and it was just a typo?

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

Shit, I think I might have timed my loadless time with gain/loss instead of the way L4D2 loads are done now, hold off on updating that then, I'll redo my time manually. While I'm at it, do you want me to retime all of the original campaigns runs, to save you some time?

Yeah, those are the only two versions for right now.

EDIT: My Original Campaigns loadless time is 52:59. I made sure to include menuing time, because I didn't use campaign-changing binds in that run.

EDIT 2: While I was retiming, I remembered that I started my timer on starting the campaign loading screen, not on control gain. (I was bad at running this game even back then lol) If I remove those 3 seconds, my new RTA time is 54:15. I'll change the times on my submission, just re-accept it whenever you get around to it. I'll start retiming the other runs now.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

"Next to do is rules and figuring out how to time the old runs. I just confirmed quickly so I can comment on it, removing loads in L4D1 does work just the same as L4D2 and the timing method will be changing to that."

So if I were to submit a new Original Campaigns run, per se, I would be able to submit my time without loads? I really want to run that category again, but I'm not running my games on my SSD at the moment so I doubt I'd be able to PB, if not. I already manually removed my loads from my other run and put the time in the description of the submission.

also by the way on my profile it looks like i have the WRs for the original/all campaigns runs you should probably rename the original/all campaigns categories to include solo in the name so it doesnt look like im better at this game than i really am :'^(

mariorules64 curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

The pixel walking you showed me on stream that one day, you mean? Technically yeah, that would work, but good luck doing that in an RTA and then not getting wiped by an ultrahunter or something for the rest of the run.

But yeah, even if the I(M)s are hidden away in a miscellaneous section and the campaigns become the new ILs, I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with virtually everything else you listed, you'd just have to do some experimenting to see how everything looks is all.

I'll give you my yes vote, but let's see if anyone else has any suggestions.

P.S. I still have the installer for my copy of 1.0 and the link to where I got it, so if you decide to post a sticky later on like there is in the L4D2 section that tells people where to find certain versions, let me know and I'll hook you up so you don't have to go searching.

P.P.S accept my crash course IL run breh :)

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

edited because i dont feel like arguing my dudes

[quote=TheMaster]Miscellaneous will have a category like "Individual Maps" (called it maps to differentiate better from Level Leaderboard?) and inside there will be subcategories for each map.[/quote] [quote=TheMaster]"Full-game Leaderboard" is changed to All Campaigns Solo, All Campaigns Co-op, Original Campaigns Solo, Original Campaigns Co-op, Miscellaneous [/quote]

These decisions seem fair.

[quote=TheMaster]As for the 1.0 Solo category, I don't think it would be a good idea to have a category solely requiring an old version. I can put a column in to differentiate version numbers like L4D2 does, though. I just don't want it to be an absolute requirement to submit. [/quote] Running main campaigns solo on anything other than 1.0 isn't a good idea in the first place, you're missing out on the crescendo skip on death toll 3, for instance. I'm all for having solo as it's own category, but the version doesn't really matter.

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

it doesnt matter nearly as much as anyone thinks it does like its a speedgame my dudes nobody plays this shit game the reason why the ILs are in the order that they are is because that's how runs were/are submitted to SDA before SRC was a thing, Individual Levels alongside full RTA runs, but the IL times are what people spent the most time on i think Freezard said his no mercy 1 attempt took like 1000 resets or something outrageous like that, and thats just for one IL since around agdq 2013 when l4d1 runs started being shown, RTA runs have been more popular than IL/demo runs, so it makes sense to make whole campaigns the new ILs instead of just Individual Levels to go with the flow of how runs of this game are being done nowadays; although, i can also see the reasoning behind wanting to preserve and respect the hard work that people have already put into this game by keeping the leaderboards the same as they have been so in the end it doesnt really matter and i dont care i just said no because change is bad boo hoo

AndreaRovenski curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

"I'd like to split co-op and solo categories so solo runs become viable." yes boys

"Ah, also, I am considering the removal of the level leaderboards and shifting the individual campaigns there, like L4D2 does." no boys

tópico: Left 4 Dead 2
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

as long as you don't build a wall to keep all the LMOE/scripted runs out while making the runners pay for it im perfectly fine with voting for you breh

also an idea for the placement icons could be that "4" icon from the game launcher but colored bronze, silver and gold

TheMaster curtiram isso
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

Dixtrrixx's run is 100% timescale assisted, probably nospread assisted as well. You can even hear the sped-up flash at 23 seconds.

However, I don't think it's all one person. Someone from Poland posted a YouTube video to try to boost the popularity, which is probably the reason why there's been so many Polish submissions lately.

tópico: Left 4 Dead 2
Virginia, USACanterlott7 years ago

My runs are terrible so you could beat them even with bad loading times. :^)

But honestly, I don't know why. It's just the way that things have been done. I would have no problem with omitting loading times to make it fair for people who don't have the best PCs. Plenty of other games have a space for submitting times without loads as well as the general RTA time, like Dishonored or Fallout 4, so why not L4D2? I guess it just hasn't been seen as a big deal considering not many people run this game as it is.

tópico: Left 4 Dead
Virginia, USACanterlott8 years ago

Have you tried messaging either mod on Twitch? That's what I had to do back when I did an IL run. The mod you're talking about is probably busy with Insomnia/ESA 2016 stuff, that would be my guess.

Page is dead fam.

Deln curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead 2
Virginia, USACanterlott8 years ago

[quote="mr.deagle"]words about why nohboard is shit[/quote]

That's true, but for someone to go through that much effort just to cheat a run of a shit game nobody really cares about would be stupid. That doesn't mean it won't happen, obviously. How about just not bhopping at all if you're that worried about your run being denied? There's literally no risk/reward to bhopping manually as it is, as the few seconds you save can easily be taken away by being hit by a common or something.

[quote="mr.deagle"]cheaters have an unfair advantage[/quote]

That's a bit redundant; that should go without saying. Cheaters have an unfair advantage in any situation, because they're cheaters.

[quote="mr.deagle"]A rule that disallows bhop scripts but not bhop itself doesn't seem fair to the people who've been doing it 100% manually so far.[/quote]

I don't understand how disallowing scripts is unfair to people who don't script. If bhopping in L4D was as consistent as say Quake or HL2, for instance, I could see a problem there. How would you suggest this be changed, by disallowing bhopping entirely, rejecting all runs in which someone jumps twice in a row? Should we make another category for each category in which bhopping isn't allowed, further cluttering the category list? Bhopping is a fundamental exploit used in many games, which means it can be cheated/scripted in practically all of them, as well. This is why all we can do is leave it up to the mods to decide, or just not bhop at all.

Mawfeen curtiram isso
tópico: Left 4 Dead 2
Virginia, USACanterlott8 years ago

[quote="mr.deagle"]Thanks, though that only sort of answers the less important of my two questions. I don't want a mod to question the legitimacy of my run if I ever get good at bh in this game.[/quote]

You could always use a keyboard overlay such as NohBoard to show your jumps, although as I stated before, that won't 100% prove that a run isn't scripted. As long as you're not getting flawless hops throughout the entire run, which due to the low tickrate would be near impossible without a script, mods should have no reason to deny your run. I've hit that hop in your video plenty of times, and I'm almost certain I've had a run published with it.

tópico: Left 4 Dead 2
Virginia, USACanterlott8 years ago

This goes for any cheating software, be it ¤22, ¤advantage, ¤ware, etc. (Censored as to not promote cheating runs.) However, some cheats use overlays that show the name of the cheat on-screen or the values of certain cheats, so those will be easy to detect, obviously. Cheaters could always just bind their jump key to a mouse button that doesn't show up on an overlay and hold that for hops, as well. Some cheats also have hotkeys that you can set that disable certain features like autobhop, so that falling off of ledges is still possible.

To be honest, there's really no way to prove that someone's going FROM SPAWN OUT MIDDLE AND INTO THE SAFEROOM LIKE A SPEED DEMON with a script unless they make it really obvious. There's nothing that can be done aside from carefully screening every run, which the mods do a pretty good job at as it is. Nobody really bhops in runs, anyway, because we're all shit at it compared to pros and end up wasting time.

EDIT: op y u delete post fam

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