Virginia, USABmanRulesYou213 years ago

Hello everyone! You guys know me as BmaN, moderator for the Bugsnax Speedrun.com leader board as well as (apparently) ex-moderator of the Bugsnax Speedrunning Discord.

From day 0, Igor_, Dannyb_, YuriSR, and I built the leader boards and the discord server together. Danny and Igor worked on creating the server and everything within, while Yuri and I worked on getting the leader board approved and setup as well as finding stuff in the game. It eventually evened out with all 4 of us being both Discord and Speedrun.com moderators, and working on strategies for the speedrun. However a couple weeks after release as the community started to grow fast, Igor and Yuri willingly resigned from moderation of both platforms and distanced themselves from the community because they were just disinterested, leaving Danny and I as the remaining 2 moderators. 

However Igor held a strong grip as server owner of the Bugsnax Discord, not giving full moderator privileges to the rest of the moderation team. Such as the ability to view the Audit Log, talk in admin restricted channels(#announcements, #rules, #welcome), edit/add channels, revoke invites, and even early on banning users and giving out roles. Igor also strong armed his way through conflicts, outright banning people when they had not broken any rules, deleting messages that weren't in accordance with his way of thinking (that also didn't break the rules), and as you will see below, banning myself from the Discord for not conforming to his will on moderation.

Before all of this happened, I had a few thoughts about resigning as a moderator because of the way I was treated from select few in the community and generally being overwhelmed with irl events. 

However, on Feb 20th in time for Addio's ESA Marathon run, I @here'd the link for the ESA stream. Not being able to even talk in the #announcements channel, I put it in the #live-streams channel instead. Igor, who has removed himself from the community, took offense to me using @ here for a time sensitive announcement. On the night of Feb 23rd, I went on to let out how I felt about him running the server in (I admit) not as a professional manner as I should have been.


After not giving an answer to whether I would resign or not, I was subsequently banned from the server by Igor. With no reason given, and no actual argument made against moderator privileges except "No, I'm the owner". It leads me to believe this was a very childish move from someone in a position of power who was scared and annoyed at the request that the 2 active moderators have full access to moderation tools in the server.

After this altercation and being blocked from all contact with Igor, I had even more of an inclination for resigning. But after being reached out to from multiple members of the community who genuinely cared for my wellbeing and supported me as moderator it made me realize. 

As with Ape Escape, I love Bugsnax and the community that we speedrunners have built, and I personally want to be involved as much as I can. Whether it be 5 people or 200 people, I care for the Bugsnax community as a whole, and I will continue fighting to hold this pillar that I carry for as long as I possibly can. Every community has it's highs and lows, and I plan to stick with it at any point in between. I will NOT resign, because the community deserves people who actually care.

Sincerely, Bugsnax Speedrun.com Moderator BmanRulesYou21

grnts, MattatoChips e 15 outros curtiu isso
Virginia, USABmanRulesYou213 years ago

When you type in bugsnax into the search bar it will show up until you get to "bugsna," but typing an x at the end of it says there are no results. It gets even weirder with its results if you put a capital B, even though the game is spelled correctly on the page. https://www.speedrun.com/bugsnax

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou213 years ago

Update in effect 3/18/22 When streaming/recording a run you must be able to capture the window to show what emulator is being used. BizHawk is able to display the status bar below the game window. That must be displayed. DuckStation will has specific requirements below. You are able to run without showing the window. You must also state what emulator is being used when submitting your run.

Accepted Emulators:

Accepted Emulator on Mac:

BizHawk Setup: Games can only run under the cue format.

  • Config > Speed/Skip > Audio Throttle If you're using the Octoshock core
  • PSX > Options
  • Select either mednafen mode option To verify that you are running with Audio Throttle enabled you must hit the increase/decrease speed keys [plus/minus] it will display a message on screen.

DuckStation Dedicated Rules: You must be using the NoGUI version, that means a keybind for Quick Menu is required. These settings can be set in the Qt version of DuckStation. You must show settings of the core settings before/after the run. Your settings must match this: BIOS Settings

  • Fast Boot: Disabled Console Settings
  • 8MB RAM: Disabled
  • CPU Emulation - Execution Mode: Interpreter (Slowest)
  • No change in Clock Speed
  • CD-ROM Emulation to remain on defaults
  • 8 Sectors (53kb / 16ms)
  • Read/Seek speedump set to None (Normal Speed)
  • Preload Image to RAM: Disabled
  • Apply Image Patches: Disabled Emulation Settings
  • Emulation Speed set to 100%
  • Runahead: Disabled Display Settings
  • Auto (Game Native) or 4:3
  • Cropping overscan is allowed Enhancement Settings
  • Widescreen Hack: Disabled
  • Force NTSC Timings: Disabled
  • Recommended: Keep PGXP Disabled Custom settings are allowed for anything that isn't mentioned such as internal resolution scale. We would allow enabling "Show Enhancement Settings" to simplify the end user side, however some of the settings do not appear if they're enabled.

For questions be sure to join the Discord.

For the quick answer on "why did we drop ePSXe?" That emulator for PC has not been updated in 4 years and despite being the "most accurate emulator"^ it relies on plugins compared to the other four options.

^Due to being closed source, it was able to get away with faking the scores on the PS1 Test Suite. Games that are tested to what ePSXe states it "passed" has outright failed.

Updates: BizHawk to latest version, acknowledging the soon to be released alternative mednafen core Nymashock (there's performance improvements in that core). And DuckStation is the recommended emulator and also removal of RetroArch.

Rules on PSP emulation stay the same, emulator and hardware will remain split in all main categories.

PS2/PS3 emulation is still banned.

All prior emulator runs will remain verified.

Thanks to Spikestuff for the emulation info and writeup.

SioN e SRGTsilent curtiu isso
Virginia, USABmanRulesYou213 years ago

I will preface this thread by saying I am a moderator of the Ape Escape series since ~2014. We used to use a Google Doc leader board and were one of the early migrates when SRC opened to the public. Some runs from before that time have been grandfathered in and currently stand without set dates. This wasn't a problem in the past, as SRC allowed to upload runs without a date. However, when the SRC team made a change so that any submitted run requires a specified date, it broke the leader boards and hid all runs with a blank date. This was a site bug and was fixed thereafter.

However, we've been at a stand still with changing the leader board to take advantage of variables and subcategories because we can not edit runs without a date. We have 6 categories for Ape Escape 1: Any%, All Monkeys, 100%, and No Infinite Jump variations of said categories. The Infinite Jump/No Infinite Jump variations are perfect uses of the subcategory system, but it would require us to edit a lot of runs (which is fine for runs with a date). However for runs without a date, we are required to input a correct date, or a placeholder date of some sort. I personally have no idea when these runs were done, not even the year. Some of these runners are unreachable and can not give an estimate of when their run was done.

How would we be able to rectify this situation and edit the boards to properly take use of variables/subcategories, or edit runs without a specified date?

Edit: Using the set default command would work for all runs on a single category, however we want to move runs from X No IJ category to X, No IJ variable. and remove the preexisting No IJ categories. Thus changing the base category of the run.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou214 years ago

Uncharted: Golden Abyss unpatched vs patched and english vs japanese differences. (Some changes not documented, and some may be different between patch/language but not categorized correctly.) Current best version: Japanese Unpatched.


1.01 Fixed some bugs and added support for the Treasure Map DLC. 1.02 Increased black market trade frequency and messed with the black market screen, adjusted the higher difficulties, stopped resetting statistics, improved trophy verification, and fixed network connectivity. 1.03 Increased the drop rates of ingame bounties and added the Fight for Fortune cards to the game.

-Unpatched has significantly faster loading times for restarting checkpoints/deaths. (probably due to the FfF cards) -Bridge skip in chapter 1 is impossible on patched. -The last treasure in Chapter 11 is significantly harder to collect unpatched. -After the digsite in Chapter 2, you can jump on the rope before chase does, however in unpatched you can actually climb it, compared to patched where it just stops you there.


-Machete QTE's are different. Jp has almost exclusively Z and X patterns. -Jp cant jump out of ADS on Chapter 1 balance skip. -Jp has a distinct lack of some sound effects pertaining to the pause menu and the journal. -The black market is absent from the Unpatched Japanese, despite being in Unpatched English. -Fortunes are called Treasures on the Jp release. -On the Jp release, when collecting a treasure/mystery the return icons are static, whereas the english release has them scroll up from the bottom of the screen. -After the digsite in Chapter 2, you climb a rope and jump off the ledge, in english the cutscene starts immediately. jp has to walk forward a bit to trigger it. -After certain cutscenes the game will not let you walk in the english version so that your companion can run ahead. Jp you can move immediately. -Japanese has some Slow Mo jumps removed. -Balance skip in Chapter 4 is impossible on English because the point that the balance starts is later. -Japanese doesnt have many, if at all, explosive barrels in Chapters 5/6. -Low cover clipping seems to be effected differently in Japanese, long guns work better, and sometimes it feels like using a short gun just wont move you at all. -In Chapter 15, there is only 1 sniper rifle, which means you have to be careful with your shots. -The Japanese version will not always automatically put you in turrets during their respective fights. -Chapter 22 you can walk along the ledges towards the end, where you cant in the english version. -Theres extra enemies in Chapters 18/19, even on Very Easy. -In alot of the earlier levels, there seems to be a lack of shotgun enemies, instead being replaced with normal base enemies. -The balance section of chapter 21 doesnt exist in japanese. -The balance section of chapter 29 also doesnt exist in japanese. -However there is a balance section in chapter 32 that is only in japanese, thankfully this one can be jumped across to skip. -At the end of chapter 26 there are enemies in the wall that will shoot you on japanese. -The rope at the end of chapter 32 is already down before Chase gets to it, so you can climb down immediately on japanese. -One of the QTE's in both the Dante and Guerro fights are different in japanese. -The Japanese version has to do the puzzle in chapter 20, regardless if you've done it before. -The proxy in chapter 28 only works on english.

Please use this thread to post anymore differences you come across or anything that i have incorrectly posted.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou214 years ago

Two requests. Game in series: Uncharted Golden Abyss Category Name: All Collectibles Rules and category description: This first category is aimed at collecting every thing in the game minus the Fetishes, since those require trading on the black market and aren't tracked on the ingame menu. -Must start from New Game -Standard timing applies. -Use of the Black Market to obtain Bounties is banned. -Runs must collect all Mysteries (Mystery Items, Charcoal Rubbings, Photos), all Fortunes (Turquoise Glyphs, Jade Carvings, Minor Deities, The Menagerie), all Bounties (Spanish Gold, Pieces of Silver, Gemstones, Arcana Major, and Cádiz), and all Clues.

I have completely routed the category and have posted my notes here: https://pastebin.com/5kUAgaE0 I have also done a preliminary run of this category here:

The second request is a modification of the first category. Game in series: Uncharted Golden Abyss Category Name: "All Fortunes + Mysteries" or "All Map Collectibles" Rules and category description: Similar to the above category this one forgoes Bounties entirely and focuses just on the collectibles that can be picked up 100% reliably and are shown on the in game map DLC. -Must start from New Game -Standard timing applies. -Runs must collect all Mysteries (Mystery Items, Charcoal Rubbings, Photos), all Fortunes (Turquoise Glyphs, Jade Carvings, Minor Deities, The Menagerie), and all Clues.

I personally believe atleast one of these should be a main category for the Golden Abyss game page, as it is the only game without an All Treasures category. Myself and Panzerdeer prefer the later that forgoes bounties but still see the merit to have both in some shape or form. Thank you for considering these categories.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou216 years ago

Is mdisk 13 required for 100% run? it says you need all 14 of them in the rules but Senvy skipped the darkroom. I'd just like clarification.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou218 years ago

there is no way for a normal mod to do this, and apparently our super mod cant either, we'd like to delete this page http://www.speedrun.com/ae_mini

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou218 years ago

for some games, like ape escape 3, we have a mini game that has its own levels and categories. we currently use the rom hacks section as a minigames hub. it would be nice to have that section to have minigames or romhacks, depending on which is added.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou218 years ago

the nico embeds overlap the navbar when scrolling. http://puu.sh/jdWrv/ad2182276a.jpg

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou218 years ago

to be honest i dont really like how the page is laid out with the series name in the middle but all the games on the side http://puu.sh/jdTwx/ad2ef4908f.jpg

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou218 years ago

http://i.imgur.com/4UNoO3Y.jpg he will be missed

MASH, xDrHellx, e Trollbear666 curtiu isso
Virginia, USABmanRulesYou219 years ago

http://i.imgur.com/X1DcDWX.png error user not found

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou219 years ago

I would like to say that Ace Attorney 1, 2, and 3, were all released on PC as ports in japan and they are available to the public, in case any one was to do a run on the PC version. You should add PC to the list of platforms. Aswell as they were originally on the GBA

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou219 years ago

One thing i have noticed during theme editing, is that what color my navbar is, if i use my theme on the whole site, its the color of the boxes on everything except my profile. this makes it complicated as i have red text (except for the navbar), aswell as a red navbar, thus creating this catastrophe: http://puu.sh/hpTzd/da62af3e27.jpg I believe that these boxes should be the same color as the normal box colors,

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou219 years ago

With the existence of favicons, there are some troubles. While logged in and looking at the series page (ape escape mainly[tested]) the favicon reverts back to the default trophy. If not logged in and visiting the series page it reverts to the favicon. This can also be seen if someone was to bookmark the series page. This pertains to all pages, at least for me, this makes it frustrating to create themes.

Virginia, USABmanRulesYou219 years ago

I don't know if it's just me, but there is currently nothing under the resources page.

Sobre BmanRulesYou21
9 years ago
3 days ago
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Ape Escape 3
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