IcelandBluescreen182 months ago

I see thanks. I was hoping for more responses to this.

IcelandBluescreen182 months ago

This game has a Discord speedrun server right? None of the Hexen games seem to have it linked here.

tópico: Diablo
IcelandBluescreen185 months ago

I am completely against speedups buttons for a simple reason: You can't access it on a real hardware, making it extremely unfair.

Another reason is that it would create a massive headache for the moderators to check if you are using the speedup only when you are saving and loading which I can't imagine them wanting to do this.

Most PS1 leaderboards do allow faster loads from the PS2 console so you can still do that.

Haven't tried playing this game on PS3, So I can't tell you if that loads faster but if it does then I guess that would be allowed too.

IcelandBluescreen189 months ago

I've been following the speedrun of this game for several years. I do sometimes check every now and then if there is a new strat or new runners on the leaderboard just to see if the any% category has changed at all.

But today, as I am writing this, it just dawned on me that there isn't a Discord link on this page, so the question is: Does this game even have one?

tópico: Diablo
IcelandBluescreen1810 months ago

"If you used duping then playing without duping will make the game harder, isn't it?"

Yes and no.

The dupe method that works on PS1 is significantly weaker since you can't dupe anything except use items. Most use items are not that useful, so doing this method is usually a waste of time. Manipulating Adria is also usually a waste of time since you need to save and load the game every time.

In the run I posted I didn't get a book of mana shield so I duped a scroll of mana shield several times instead, which in sorc case is a must have item along with the fire wall spell. Running sorc without these spells is a pain in the ass.

Warrior melee runs are far more consistent since you can a lot of times just tank the enemies as it is since he has a larger health pool. The downside of this strat is that you need good resistances to survive hell, with the hardest part of the run being Lazarus and Diablo's entire room.

"By the way, you played using real console or emulator?"

I used a real NTSC PS1 since I like having an authentic feel. Nothing beats playing on a CRT using a real PS1 controller.

tópico: Diablo
IcelandBluescreen1810 months ago

First, let me begin by saying that, the category should probably be called "Playstation Any%"

Next, I am going explain a lot of things.

The PS1 version does actually have 3 difficulties. They are: normal, nightmare and hell. Personally, I think the best way to start the timer is when you select the difficulty, since that's when the first loading screen starts.

Another thing I like to point out is that this version also has a "character import" feature simply referred to as "Save character" and "Load character" respectively, which I didn't use since I think that's cheating. Hypothetically speaking that can be it's own category in itself.

As for glitches, you can actually dupe use items in this version. I actually did this in my run. I duped bunch of Mana shield scrolls since finding a book of Mana shield is quite luck dependent.

Another thing I want to point out is that the "Mana shield" exploit can also be done in this version but for some reason it took me a long to realize that I could do that. I did this trick eventually in my run to save a bunch of time, since I figured I don't actually have to kill everything.

Glitchless on PS1 is currently almost the same as any% at the moment so there really is no point of it. As for HC, doing run like that is technically faster since the save/load times on PS1 are actually really long.

Personally, I don't think you really need to add any category at the moment since nobody besides me runs PS1 version.

Lastly I like to point out, as I am writing this post it currently says "Emulators are banned". I have the feeling that this rule was made for PC runners in mind, which I think is kind of odd.

The PS1 version lags quite a lot. It lags even more when you have to map enabled and it lags even more when there is much happening on the screen. I've noticed that the game lags significantly more on real console then on emu, so I think real hardware and emu need to be split.

Anyway, if anyone has any question about my run or this post then feel free to ask about it here.

SREveryPS1Game, Tenka, e AJenbo curtiu isso
tópico: Diablo
IcelandBluescreen1810 months ago

I actually did a run of this 2 months ago, so the timing of this post is perfect

IcelandBluescreen181 year ago

I was running this version of the game recently when all of a sudden I got stuck in the door. What's strange about this, is that I floated upwards slowly without my control and I couldn't get out of this state at all.

I did manage to replicate it but I don't know what condition are needed for this to happen. I guess you need to jump in a specific way as the game is loading? I need more eyes on this glitch so we can figure out if this does have any use.

I'll update this post if I find something new with it.

vardemir curtiram isso
tópico: Rakugakids
IcelandBluescreen181 year ago

The previous mod has deleted their account and as such I had to request to become a mod myself.

In doing so I decided to split real hardware and emulator 2 categories.

The reason why I did this is because I found out that the game loads faster on real hardware then on emulator.

It also seems that the Japanese version loads faster than the Euro version.

I am aware that this game has only like 5 runners, so I understand why this may seems confusing so if you disagree with this decision then speak up! I would like to hear what you all think.

PD4FR e DBcade curtiu isso
tópico: Buck Bumble
IcelandBluescreen182 years ago

Hey, out of curiosity is there a Discord server for this game? If there isn't I am willing to make one.

Me and a few others were challenged by a guy called "Osukarui" to speedrun this game in a event of shorts. We also did some races. In this event I experimented with the mechanics and found a way to clip through walls. It turns out, that in Mission 18 the teleporter to the end of the level was just on the other side of wall very early in the level, resulting in a quite a time save.

Mission 18 skip:

I also found a small skip in mission 3:

lolaway e Brobey curtiu isso
IcelandBluescreen183 years ago

I tested it and sadly it only stops fall damage and doesn't break kill floors like chalk. However you can use this instead of having to turn backwards whenever you are trying to jump far down. Holding the "down" arrow key also helps with fall damage. (As shown in my electric ball skip video)

IcelandBluescreen183 years ago

It can be used to skip the elevator in Babylon.

IcelandBluescreen183 years ago

Here is some cool new movement glitch that i just found:

IcelandBluescreen184 years ago

Here is a glitch to skip the first ladder on the pyramid in Moroe. simply put some object in front of you, like the jeep shown here and then do the rolling glitch at a precise angle. Then align yourself to the ladder and make sure you don't accidentally jump. Do this slightly incorrect and you will get stuck.

Molotok curtiram isso
IcelandBluescreen184 years ago

Ok, i found 2 new ways to do this skip. Here is one:

and here is another (the fastest one)

The fastest version is very hard to pull off with 20 fps.

I don't think there are any other places where this glitch will truly come in handy except maybe in Palawan volcano level with all the blocks in the way. I have the feeling it won't save time tho.

Molotok curtiram isso
IcelandBluescreen184 years ago

To defeat the ice guardian in the "Shambala sanctuary" level you have to move this block in order to proceed. Thing is, I knew it was possible to move it out of the way, but I had a feeling it would take too long. Turns out it doesn't take too long, you just need to crawl to the wall. It should be slightly faster.

amastris74 curtiram isso
IcelandBluescreen184 years ago

Here is a somewhat consistent way to skip the electric ball in Nub's Tomb. (Info in description)

Molotok curtiram isso
Sobre Bluescreen18
8 years ago
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