Hey, I've been watching runs recently and a thought crossed my mind that fps might have something to do with some runs being faster? This might be a stretch, but I've noticed it even in some of my runs where my fps is higher in one run and lower in another. Is there a difference in speed between the Android/IOS versions versus the windows 10 version?
I'm genuinely curious, I'm not calling anyone out :), if anyone has any info on this please let me know :)
This is a category I came up with, here is my first run of it run starts at 4:44 (game crashes at lava level thats why screen goes blank)
- You may exit and move on as soon as the top of the screen reads >1000
- Classic Rules apply
Note:I did this run as a proof of concept because i didnt see a 100% game completion category. Also, I did this run on the PC, and mobile has more levels. this might warrant a 2nd category specifically for pc or mobile respectivley.
What do you guys think and would you be willing to run this category. Just looking for some feedback, and maybe mod approval of the category.
This is my final case for this category
I feel that this category
- doesnt have to cause Xcar%
- Can be more competitive because it has room for optimisation
- better for beginners to get a chance of record or even just to run the category
I created this category (not sure if I was first to have this idea but I didn't see it on the site) but Im not sure about how to have it added. Does anyone know if this is possible? The category is called Jeep% and its self explanatory, its just a normal run, using the jeep. If you need the link to my run I can give it to you