Несколько дней назад обратила внимание на эту заброшенную таблицу лидеров. Пришлось записать пару ранов, чтобы стать супер-модератором и внести изменения. Собственно, что изменилось: 1. Неактивные модераторы сняты со своих должностей, а я стала новым-супер модератором. 2. Скорректированы правила расчёта времени категорий. 3. Все ожидающие верификации раны приняты. 4. Все текущие раны перенесены в категорию с О-Сознанием и отретаймлены (кроме моих - они перенесены в категорию с Исполнителем Желаний). 5. Добавлена ссылка на Дискорд-сервер (по вопросам пишите туда).
Greetings to all. I noticed that the leaderboard was in a sad state. That's why I recorded the run to submit a request for moderation of the game. What has changed: 1. An invalid link to the Discord server has been deleted. 2. Deleted runs with non-working video links. 3. The leaderboard has been changed (the console categories have been removed, the categories for the PC version have been adjusted to bring it into the correct form). 4. All pending verification runs have finally been accepted (it took me some time to check them and adjust the time). 5. The game has been added to the Snowy Series. If you have any questions, ask me, I will answer as much as possible.
https://discord.gg/8Y4gbSBqg7 - A permanent link to the server. If you have any questions, write there.
Does this game have a Discord server? As the first runner of this game, I would like to suggest adding categories with DLC. Recordings of DLC runs are attached: