Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

The overlay is for any "special" runner features that can't be trivially incorporated into the rest of the game, like the multiround timer (and its settings), and a few other doodads, like the sprint-force option. The contents of the overlay are what I'm mostly asking about here - if anybody can think of any ass-pains they've encountered while trying to speedrun the game, I can try to figure out ways to bandage them effectively.

My main priority here is the overall competitive fairness of the game, so if anybody notices something that's exploitable in a way that's not "kosher" for speedrunning, that would be extraordinarily helpful, too (ie, an advantage that's dependent on something specific about your computer, instead of your skill in the game - stuff that certain people wouldn't have access to, even if they were skilled enough to perform it).

Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

Post any ideas for speedrun-related features that you would like to see in an update to Not the Robots.

Currently planned features:

¤ In-game timer for Campaign and Operations mode, showing your final time in the Results screen

¤ Special global "speedrun" overlay with a multi-round timer and some other special features

¤ All in-game timers will ignore loading screens

¤ Multi-round timer will optionally ignore time spent in menus

¤ Players will not be allowed to spawn when a level loads until the loading screen is finished fading out

¤ Option to force the game to spawn a Sprint or a Sprint+ (if unlocked) in the first level of a Campaign or Operation (unless getting one would not normally be possible)

tópico: Speedrunning
Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

Yeah, just two from here - I did a similar thread on reddit where 20-30 people got keys so far. There's also a bunch of extra info about the game in the comments

tópico: Speedrunning
Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

There are a few other game modes, too, including a Custom mode, which lets you make your own Challenge levels. You pick the wall layouts, tweak some level generation settings, and pick sets of enemies/items/special rules, and then it still generates some amount of the level (particularly, the furniture placement) procedurally, so you keep the "permadeath" element intact.

...Also what does "IL timer tracking" mean?

tópico: Speedrunning
Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

Yup, n3r0t's got it - the main Campaign run (12 levels+finale) doesn't have a built in timer, but the Challenge levels (20 single-level courses with fixed wall layouts and enemy sets, and procedural placement for other less sensitive content) all have the timer, and they track your best times locally. There's no built-in way to add up your total times for all of the Challenges at this point, but that could be a potential patch if people are interested in competing by that metric.

Trollbear666 curtiram isso
tópico: Speedrunning
Nebraska, USA2DArray9 years ago

(Somebody let me know if this post is in the wrong place)

Hey there, so I'm Eli, and I'm not a speedrunner, but I made a game called Not the Robots.

It's a roguelike-style game with a focus on pacifist-stealth-action. Instead of backstabbing guards and jumping off of roofs, this is a game about eating furniture. You have to eat a certain amount of the cover in each level before you're allowed to win.

The game's normally $10, but I'm interested in getting the speedrun community involved in the game because I think it has really compelling high-level play. It's a roguelike, so it's got a lot of random generation going on, but careful consideration has been taken to try and make the results are consistent, controllable, and fair as possible.

It's definitely a challenging game, though.

If you send me a PM or an email to my username at gmail, I'll give you a free Steam key (the email is going to be the easier way to reach me, since I'm not a regular user around here).

BmanRulesYou21, -7 e 3 outros curtiu isso
Sobre 2DArray
9 years ago
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