As many people already know, back in February, UnMetal was removed from the Metal Gear series on and the intention following that move was to unite the UnEpic Games together under its own series. In the months since, I have been in contact with some of the mods of those games to coordinate such a move, ended up becoming the new super-mod for Mini Ghost, and this week finally submitted that series request to
Sadly, SRDC have rejected the request on the grounds that they do not accept series requests based on the developer. This is disappointing, the games do reference each other, but looking elsewhere on the site, there is a precedent for this and I'm not intending to fight it. We'll have to see if there's any opportunities with the site redesign that we're getting shortly.
All is not lost however, we do have one way to combine these games, and that's through a new community Wiki, combining UnEpic, Ghost 1.0, Mini Ghost and UnMetal. The UnMetal section is almost finished, remixing older parts of the original Metal Gear wiki's UnMetal entries, as well as some new areas I've developed either from old notes that never got written up, or brand new content such as a complete marathon history. Anyone is of course welcome to sign up and edit, I do hope it's useful to people. The link at the top of every SRDC page will go directly to UnMetal, but here's the UnEpic Games homepage:
As many people already know, back in February, UnMetal was removed from the Metal Gear series on and the intention following that move was to unite the UnEpic Games together under its own series. In the months since, I have been in contact with some of the mods of those games to coordin