New runs
Oklahoma, USA

So I've been playing a lot recently, and I've made some new PB's, and I want to record and submit them, but I also don't want to be spamming this place with new runs. Is there a way I can delete my old one and submit a new one, or can I just submit another run?


think you can delete your old runs but to publish them you'd probably need to apply as a mod (im not modding anymore)

lmk if u need the link for the mod applications

Oklahoma, USA

I see. Thank you. And if it wouldn't inconvenience you too much, could you give me that link?

Oklahoma, USA

Did something happen? I got a notification that you replied, but there isn't anything here. I could just be bugged though.


ah must've been a glitch, and looks like they added a better system for getting mod, here you go:

Oklahoma, USA

Thank you friend. Have a good day!

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