6-2 ub deals 35 damage
In some runs of 6-2 they play on violent with 100 health,they use pump explosion to go to the gate dealing 50 damage to them,then do an ultraboost and they go to Gabriel's piano without dying and leaving them with 15 HP left,how does that tech work??
i'm pretty sure that the core nuke explosion has 2 hitboxes for V1 and the inner one hits for 35, so just nuke closer to yourself and it should do 35
Revamped Open Season
Come Speedrunners near and far! I already made this announcement in the discord but due to some issues this message was delayed.
In case you missed the incoming flood of new runs, the new boards are available to be submitted to. However to keep things from being patchlocked immediately, any tech or
Runs recentes
Nível: 1-4: Clair De Lune
Nível: 3-2: In The Flesh
Nível: 5-2: Waves Of The Starless Sea
Nível: 0-1: Into The Fire
Nível: 0-5: Cerberus