PS2/Wii/PSP All Collectables Placements
PS2/Wii/PSP All Collectables Placements
Atualizado 8 years ago por Woutt64

This guide lists all the Collectibile locations for the PS2, Wii and PSP versions. The order is also structured in the way, how you would collect them in the Speedrun route.

This guide was originally created by Woutt64 and Kayumon in 2016 as a Pastebin post and has now been adapted here. All future changes will also be made on this page. You can find the original post here:

Land of Chocolate

Beer caps: 2 Beer caps, on the roofs near the white bounce pads 1 Beer cap to the right of the giant Cake 1 Beer cap to the right of the giant Cake 1 Beer cap in the middle of the giant Cake

Clichés: Double Jump - Double Jump in the beginning of the level Switches and Levers - Push the button in front of the giant Cake

Bartman Begins

Beer caps: 1 Beer cap, in front of the statue to the right of you when you enter the cave. 1 Beer cap in the secret cave. 1 Beer cap in the back of the first dinosaur room 1 Beer cap, in the middle of the desk right before the space section 1 Beer cap on top of the rocket ship, next to the pole.

Krusty Coupons: 1 coupon, climb on the vines to the left of the cave. 1 coupon, climb the vines on the right of the cave to get on top of a statue. 1 coupon, under the giant tree in the 2nd Dinosaur room 1 coupon, on top of the moon-esc surface. 1 Coupon, on the ring of Earth, in the middle of the space section.

Clichés: Collectible placement - Collect the item in the secret cave Pressure Pads - Stand on one of the pressure pads in the cave.

Around the World in 80 Bites

Beer caps: 1 Beer cap in the beginning, to the right of your starting position. 1 Beer cap in Germany, on top of a building. Look for a pole to climb 1 Beer cap to the right of the entrance in France. 1 Beer cap to the left of entering Scotland 1 Beer cap in Mexico, use Invincibility to reach.

Krusty Coupons: 1 coupon in Austarlia, to the right of the entrance to Mexico. 1 Coupon in Australia, jump on the umbrellas after getting the previous collectable 1 Coupon in Mexico, follow the path using the wind from the lady next to the exit to Germany. 1 Coupon in Scotland, follow the vines above the ovens. 1 Coupon in Italie, on top of the building by the Giant Meatball, look for a ladder on the left to obtain. 1 Coupon in Italie, right in front of the giant Duff Beer storages, can be reached trough the Golden Gate Bridge.

Clichés: Time Trial: Start the level

#Lisa the Tree Hugger Krusty Coupons: 1 on top of a tree in the start of the level, lift stone next to it to reach. 1 on top of one of the giant sawblades, fire at the machine to obtain. 1 on a trunk near a tree, right after the sawblade section 1 under the third radioactive barrel, right before the Frogger section 1 in the frogger section, backtrack after pulling the lever to get it 1 at the end of the level

Malibu Stacey Coupons: 1 under one of the trunks you lift in the start of the level 1 under the bridge in the giant sawblade section, drop down and run to it to collect. 1 on a trunk near a tree right before the frogger section, use spring to collect. 1 in the very right of the frogger section, jump to it to collect

Clichés: Giant Sawblades: get to the part of the level with the giant sawblades

Mob Rules

Malibu Stacey Coupons: 1 coupon on top of the Sequel Stop. 1 on the building with the 2nd Buddha statue in the level, use the Ladder on the roof to reach it (use Hand of Buddha on the ladder first) 1 right before the first Maggie section, use a box to climb on a green building. 1 right before the plaza, use the building next to it and poles to reach 1 on top of the police van next to the Itchy & Scratchy statue.

Try-n-save coupons: 1 on the bottom of the Parking lot, break the wall to get it. 1 in the first Maggie section, turn left after you enter. 1 to the right of the thrid Buddha statue, use hand of Buddha to make platforms to reach 1 on the road near Snake's prison, use black box to block smoke.µ 1 in the second Maggie section.

Clichés: Cracked Up: Break the wall to get the first Try-n-save coupon I mentioned Invinsible Barrier: Try to jump over the barriers in the beginning of the level, to the right of your starting position

Enter the Cheatrix

Krusty coupons: 1 at the end of the liquid room, use a hook line next to the first buddha statue to obtain. 1 near the first enemy spawn in the blood room, use the pole next to it to obtain (close to the Saxophoon upgrade) 1 after exiting the blood room, use a spring to collect 1 on a platform which you can grapple hook to after climbing the poles in the beginning of the marketing room 1 at the end of the trampoline section in the Marketing room 1 in the boss room in DK hidden by boxes, destroy them on the left to obtain

Malibu Stacey coupons: 1 behind the first buddha statue, use the platforms where green smoke comes out of to obtain 1 on top of a factory near the 2nd enemy spawn in the blood room, use a spring to collect 1 in the beginning of the marketing room, use the poles and a spring to reach 1 in the beginning of the Marketing room, follow the pink platformes to reach 1 in the boss room against DK, near where the 2 Football enemies spawn 1 in the boss room agains DK hidden by boxes, destroy the boxes on the right to obtain

Clichés: Red Ones Go faster: kill one of the red enemies in the level Trampolines: Jump on one of the trampolines in the marketing room

The Day of the Dolphin

Krusty coupons: 1 next to 'Twirling for Timeshares' right after opening the first gate. 1 in the upper right courner of King Snorly's layer. 1 in the upper left courner of King Snorly's layer, close the left aquarium and follow the path to obtain. 1 in the hut right after the first wave of dolphins, grapple hook to it to reach

Malibu Stacey coupons: 1 on a attraction in the beginning of the level, use the hand of buddha to place boats to reach 1 behind the right door that open right before the dolphin wave with the octopus ride. 1 right behind the place you spawn in King Snorkly's layer. 1 on a floating whale in King Snorley's layer, use the hand of buddha to place squid trampolines to obtain

Clichés: Water Warp: fall in the water at any time in the level

Shadow of the Colossal Donut

Beer caps: 1 on top of the construction site, use on of the trucks next to it and a helium bottle to reach 1 in front of the Krustylu studios, in the EastSouth part of the map. 1 on top of the 'Collosal Donut' shop 1 on top of the lightblue house at the water 1 on top of the rotating pink fish at the water, use helium homer to obtain. 1 Behind the Krusty Burger 1 inside a tube being hold by a truck, use helium homer to it to reach 1 at the dock near the red building where you could find a Krusty Coupon, go to the back and jump with Homer Ball to obtain 1 Behind the Collosal Donut shop, go to the left of the climable wall and jump to a hidden street to obtain.

Krusty Coupons 1 on top of the construction site, use a lift of air to reach. 1 in on of the tubes next to the taco van 1 on top of the green building at the water 1 on top of the red building at the water 1 on the building on the very left at the water, grapple hook to it to obtain. 1 on top of the Ritz hotel 1 at the dock near the red building where you could find a Krusty Coupon 1 behind the 'Collosal Donut' shop, climb a wall to obtain

Clichés: Obvious Weakness: Open Lard Lad's first hatch and disable his wiring.

#Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers Beer caps: 1 inside the first Krusty burger van 1 on top of the blue side of the wall near a red truck, jump on a spring to reach 1 on top of the yellow van near the blue duff truck, use helium homer to reach 1 inside the alien ship, go to the place where you pull the lever to finish the level to obtain.

Krusty Coupons: 1 on top of one of the Brown cars, behind where you spawn. 1 on a platform, glide to it from the first Krusty burger van which contains a beer cap to obtain. 1 on a platform, glide to it from a bus pole to reach.

Clichés: Temporary power-up: grab the Yellow shield on a red truck

Bargin Bin

Beer caps: 1 on the track right before hitting a switch, go to the right after breaking the door 1 near a spring, use helium homer to reach 1 on top of a platform near the helium bottle, use helium homer to reach

Krusty coupons: 1 on top of a platform, grapple hook to it after breaking the door with Ball homer 1 on the track right after hitting a switch to unlock a bridge, go right after hitting the switch 1 under a box right after grapple hooking, go to the very right to break the box 1 near a spring, grapple hook to it to obtain.

Clichés: Chasm death: jump off the level at any point to obtain


Beer Caps: 1 at the Health & Mana Bar 1 at the far end of the great hall, after using the platforms (use helium to travel upwards to the platform on the other side) 1 in the labyrinth section, look towards the left side to find a breakable wall 1 in the giant chasm area, take helium Homer and turn behind to find it at up along a wall 1 on the snout of the dragon 1 on the rock platform at the boss fight area, next to the other rock platform that goes up

Try-n-save coupons: 1 behind a corner, located on the right side of the wall with the waterfall (collect this one while you are waiting for Selma to destroy a bridge) 1 in the great hall area, build a trampoline at the right side of the room to reach the plattform with the coupon 1 at the opposite site of the last one, hidden behind a destroyable wall 1 in the labyrinth section, at the far north-east hidden in a chest 1 in the right eye of the dragon (use Maggie to collect it) 1 in the boss fight area, in a corner right after destroying the stone pillars to build a bridge with Homer

Clichés: Ammo box: In the giant chasm area, open the 2nd white treasure, which gives you gummi ammo Lava!: In the final boss fight area, jump in the lava to get this Cliché

Grand Theft Scrathy

Malibu Stacey coupons: 1 at the beginning of the level, in the garage of the green house 1 on a pole behind the backyard of the yellow house (at the beginning of the level) 1 when entering the next area after lowering the bridge with Marge, turn left to find it on top of a scaffolding 1 on the roof of the "Shiny polish emporium" (remove the car with the buddah hand, press the button next to the platform and jump on it) 1 on the far left pole behind the Tom Jackson billboard 1 in the area where you have to build the giant bridge, located at the sand area 1 on the nearby rocks, next to the sand area 1 on a pipe, after having crossed the giant bridge (look at the right side)

Try-n-save coupons: 1 at the orange construction building, run past the wall on the bottom layer and look to your right 1 at 2nd layer of the elevator (use the Buddah hand and place the 2 electric generators into place to reach it) 1 on top of the "Shiny polish emporium" when going up the ladder 1 behind the destroyed weapon shop 1 in the office area of the radio building, when using Maggie to switch the station

Clichés: Enemy Spawners: Destroy either a pink or a red van, where Itchy and Scratchy are coming out The road to nowhere: At the bottom of the elevator, walk along the road until you reach the dead-end by the water

Medal of Homer

Krusty coupons: 1 covered by 3 brown barrels, which you can find when gliding down the brown house, which you can grapple up 1 when getting up the tall building, use the chimney to glide to the nearby building to get it 1 at the fountain area. Use Homer ball to destroy a breakable wall of a house, to uncover it 1 on a platform, after hopping on the cow path 1 inside the church, hidden behind the Castle Duffenstein poster 1 after getting the flag from the roof of the church, a coupon is on the right side off the same roof 1 after getting on top of the ship, destroy the very first cannon, which you approach after climbing up the ladder, with C4 to reveal an air current. Glide this straight up with Bart, to get the coupon 1 in the area with the trampoline (the same area which you reach for the skip in Any%) 1 when having activated all 3 smokestacks, ride them to land on the pillar on the right where the coupon is

Beer caps: 1 by the seventh surrender flag on the balcony (use the pole to get up there) 1 behind the church (use Homer ball to shoot from the ramps) 1 inside the church, hidden behind the Castle Duffenstein poster 1 on another balcony, reached when jumping on the awning trampoline 1 when climbing up the ladder to get on top of the ship, run to the right. It is on top of some boxes 1 next to the satelite, before you use Helium to reach the upper area with the smokestacks 1 on a pillar at the smokestack area, hidden behind three red barrels

Cliché: Wooden Crate: Break the wooden crate right at the beginning of the level Explosive Barrel: Shoot one of the red barrels in the ship area

Big Super Happy Fun-Fun Game

Malibu Stacey Coupons: 1 on a pole, as soon as you crossed the river in the beginning of the Level 1 inside the 3rd right house from the 2nd Buddah hand (Destroy it with Homer Ball) 1 inside the house above the 3rd Buddah hand 1 on the right side of the lava area, on the top level of the rising platforms 1 on the top level of the 2nd rising platforms (at the area, where you would use the Buddah hand to build up the tree bridge) 1 on a platform at the far left side of the airship

Beer Caps: 1 on the hill, next to the 1st Buddah statue (use Homer Ball to launch up the hill) 1 at the area where the 3rd Buddah statue is, floating in the air between the two ledges 1 behind the 2 large pillars (the ones which you would destroy with Homer Ball) at the fire area 1 at the ice area, when launching from the ramp to the platform on the left 1 at the middle pole of the airship (use Homer Ball to launch it up) 1 at the very left side of the airship

Clichés: Elemental Enemies: At the fire area, kill one lava sumo to get this cliché Flying Boat: You will get this one as soon as you arrive at the airship

Five Characters in Search of an Author

Krusty Coupons: 1 on a platform at the beginning of the level, when climbing the vine to your left 1 in front of the Barney statue 1 in the first room of the mansion, climb the vines when going up the stairs and make your way to this collectibile 1 in the hall with the mirror, located on the corner of a platform under the final mirror (get this one after activating the mirror at the bookshelves) 1 on the balcony at Matt Groening's office

Beer Caps: 1 inside a car at the beginning of the level (use gummi Homer to destroy it) 1 in the room, which opens when you defeat the lawyers (you can use a little shortcut here and gummi clip through the door at the other end, to save some time) 1 in the mirror hall, destroy the pillar on the left side when entering the room and follow the path 1 when dropping down on a platform from the 3rd mirror 1 at the left staircase in Matt Groening's office

Clichés: Timing Puzzle: Approach the bookshelves when going for the 2nd mirror Evil Genius: You'll get this one once you arrive at Matt Groening's office

Game Over

Krusty Coupons: 1 on the roof of the Arcade house (Use your grappling hook and go to the left) 1 on top of Maude Flander's house, next to the sign 1 on the big building, which is located on the left side, after pulling the lever to open the golden gates (jump on the cloud to get to the roof) 1 on top of the Elvis house, which you can find when you go from the lever to the right first golden gate and run up the stairs 1 on top of the wall, which seperates the main area with the Skybucks area 1 behind the Skybucks

Malibu Stacy Coupons: 1 in the Arcade house 1 at the left area where the 3 buildings are, in a corner of the first house 1 behind the first golden gate 1 on top of the big building, where the Krusty Coupon is located as well (jumo on the cloud to get to the roof) 1 in the same area where the big building is, next to the wall which seperates the dolphin area 1 behind a sign in the Skybucks area

Clichés: Re-used enemies: Kill the logger in front of the arcade house, who is unequipped

Other Clichés

These clichés can be collected outside of the main levels, when you are in the "Hub area".

The Doors: try to open the door in Marge and Homer's Bedroom (location: Simpsons House)

AI running into walls: Jump onto the hammock and look out over the back fence to see Ralph running into the wall to the left of the door of the nearby house. (Location: Simpsons Garden)

Rift Portal: Enter the Game Hub by the computer (location: Simpsons House)

Lame Tutorials: complete the Tutorials in the Game Hub (location: Game Hub)

Key Card: approach the door with the four slots for key cards.

Collecting every Cliché: collect every other cliché in the game

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New Leaderboard (6/20/24)

Hello everyone and

Due to a recent discussion in the Discord, we have decided to split the leaderboard in half, moving the PS2/PSP/Wii version to this new leaderboard from the old main leaderboard.

The former le

3 months ago