Tales of Symphonia Dolphin Netplay Speedrunning
8 years ago

Hello, I am new to this community and I recently stumbled upon on it, with the intention of potentially speedrunning this game, which is my favorite game of all time. But, I had a question in regards to speedrunning the game with the use of Co-Op Play in mind.

Q: Is this done over Netplay? I've done my fair-share of Tales of Symphonia Co-Op on Netplay before, and from my experience it was fine to play, but laggy while streaming it and am not sure how to get around that.

Q: I was surfing around on the pages here, and I've been kind of interested in knowing what the ideal version to speedrun is, and which would make for an interesting run. I.E., GC, PS3, PC version.

Q: Who would I ask, in regards to partnering up for a potential Co-Op speedrun?

Thank you for reading.

-- Dylan

Dominican Republic

Hey thanks for the interest and the question as it's sort of dull in here as of late lol. The co-op runs are usually done in person as net play can be unreliable sometimes unless all parties possess monster desktops. In my opinion the GameCube run is the most interesting while the Steam Version and PS3 version are a close second. Lastly you can ask whoever really just depends really.

Dylanrockin curtiram isso

Thank you for the fast response! Yeah, I noticed it was kind of a small community here, for speedrunning Symphonia. I sort of figured as much, given that Symphonia tends to run shoddily on Dolphin, if you don't at least have decent specs, especially over Netplay. In-person speedruns seems like a good idea, but I don't know how far people would be willing to travel for that, since unfortunately the PS3 and Steam versions don't really have online capabilities. The only real alternative being Netplay.

But, I'd be interested in asking around here, and seeing if anyone would be up for showing me the ropes to TOS speedrunning and (potential) Co-Op, if possible between users.

Editado por o autor 8 years ago
Dominican Republic

If you join our discord server I could help you out. I Am very good at teaching

Alright, for now I'm going to have to wait, until I'm done with finals and projects for this semester of college. I will be readily available around mid-December, and when I do finish up finals I will hop on-board the Discord server asap.

It's been a real pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to learning a lot about speedrunning this game!

Editado por o autor 8 years ago
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