Some Tips for Improving Your Runs
Some Tips for Improving Your Runs
Atualizado 5 months ago por Sonicc

1: Make sure to wiggle your mouse around the skip button at the beginning of the run. For some reason the first text box's skipped button is bugged so you have to wiggle your mouse around it before it allows you to skip the intro dialogue.

2: Be VERY careful with the noses, often the doppelganger's change can simply be that they have the wrong nose, and some of them can be VERY tricky to notice.

For example. Here is Margaret Bubbles with her actual nose compared to Margeret Bubbles with a fake nose. Obviously this is a more obvious example, but often times the nose can throw people off.

3: NEVER use the checklist on anything below 8N. It is a major time waste, even on 8N don't use it unless you need the ID or Entry Request as a last ditch effort to save a run.

4: Dont overthink it. If you think someone is a doppelganger, they probably are. Most physical changes are somewhat obvious, there aren't many physical changes that are barely visible.

5: In any category under 7N, NEVER check the ID and Entry Request. In these categories there is a decently low chance of there being a perfect doppelganger whose only discrepancy is that their ID or Entry Request is incorrect

6: In 4N and 5N. If you see someone who looks correct but isn't on the Entry List. There is a decent chance they are a doppelganger.

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Now, the timer starts when spawning into the office instead of when the cutscene starts.

3 months ago
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Postado 3 months ago
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