Bounty for WR!
4 years ago

Hey folks :)

It's that time again, me and Lucky Hamburger have decided to start another bounty for the first person who can beat or tie the existing WR.

The rules are simple:

Achieve a time of 2:24:675 or better on the Any% P+Gless category. A video of the feat (with audable audio) is required and preferably all attempts should be streamed. (Reply to this thread with your stream name if you can)

Deadline for completion is 7/1/2021 (7th January 2021, 6 months from now)

I will be putting forward £30 myself and Lucky has said he will put in $20.

Additionally, if you are a runner and you would like to give towards the bounty, let either myself or Lucky know.

If you are considering going for this, please join the TITOL speedrunning discord server if you haven't already for communication purposes.

Good luck and happy running!

Editado por o autor 4 years ago