GCN "crooked grind around the baggage claim" goal
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

the airport level, street skater goal to crook grind around the baggage claim. i run gamecube, NA regioned tony hawk pro skater 3. I have seen many runs using the switch crooked grind special move to complete the challenge and occasionally it will work for me. However more often than not it will not work. I have noticed if i get my sick score done it has a higher likely-hood of completing the challenge. but sometimes im just short and only get the pro score complete, resulting in 99% of the time the challenge not completing. i have tried going around just once, going around multiple times. with my friends ticket for the other challenge, with out the ticket. All sorts of variations of this goal and have not found a sure way of completing it 100% of the time. has anybody else had this issue? could it just be a scratched disk or something as stupid as that? It is quite annoying as the run becomes extremely unoptimized because that particular spot i can get the sick score and the crook grind done all at one time. any feedback would be appreciated.

tylerlasagna curtiram isso
Michigan, USA

the special grind doesn't actually work for the goal, it's just conveniently named "crooks bigspin crooks." to get the goal to trigger, you do a crooked grind in the combo before hitting the baggage claim. then just hold the combo with the crooked grind up to the baggage claim and it should work

Fancyjosh curtiram isso
Alberta, Canada

I'm not certain how much of this you already have implemented so take from this what you may I guess. To get the gap goal completed every time you need to do a regular crooked grind sometime before the baggage claim gap. Throw in some special manuals, special grinds and your special flips in your combo where you can. Obviously doing your special grind on the baggage claim is a must, that's where the bulk of your points comes from. George does a Judo out from the baggage grind, not necessary but if you're lacking points it's a good quick grab you can do to cap things off. Hope this helps

Fancyjosh curtiram isso
Maryland, USA

That makes so much sense @SilentLaws I appreciate the breakdown and insight and now I fully understand WHY IT NEVER WORKED lol. Thanks again man.

SilentLaws curtiram isso
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