Macros and scrollwheel
7 years ago
Devon, England

Looking at a run submitted by RoShamBoom, who uses a scroll wheel to be able to click through all the text dialog. I was wondering how people felt about something like this? It would speed up the run for sure but as rebinding the keys in game (at least to my knowledge) isn't an option I'm not sure it feels right as I suppose it wouldn't be any different from just using a key (F for example) to spam click for you.

Also I know not a huge amount of people would necessarily have the option to be able to set it up if we did make it the norm.

United States

I'm not inherently against the idea, partly because there are a few moments where it would slow down the run if you accidentally re initiated dialog with someone. I don't think it's a major enough time save to cause much of an issue.

Devon, England

Honestly with how fast the text does go by it does save quite a few seconds accumulated over time. Then also its third party software technically and not you're own input I think I'm on the side against it honestly.

United States

If it was an autoclicker I'd make an argument for it not being your own input but simply rebinding it to scroll wheel doesn't seem too extreme a change and I've heard of other games such as halflife allowing such a rebind. The only downside is I may finally have to learn to play this game using mouse and keyboard, since by now it's clear that it is a faster control system overall.

Editado por o autor 7 years ago
United States

As just one more note on the subject, I prefer the mousewheel method over clicking mainly because personally I find it overly strenuous on the wrist to mash through the game and would rather the run be based more on routing and execution rather than simply whoever is able to skip through dialogue the best. If rebinding was allowed I think it would be far more likely that I'd be able to return to actually doing runs.

Devon, England

So after quite a bit of debate. I think I'll allow It for now and proceed runs that do use it. Hopefully we can all enjoy doing it this way.

Super moderadorNytheris
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Don't have the game installed right now so can't test it myself but do you need a free scroll mouse wheel to do this or is it still really fast with a regular mouse wheel?

Devon, England

I dont have a free scroll wheel mouse myself but use a macro system instead. I feel like this is okay as it does the same thing but not everyone has to have a free scroll mouse. Only for the Clicking though.

United Kingdom

(I know this thread is from ages ago but just in case anyone is still active) Would someone be able to explain how to set one of these up? It sounds important but I've never heard of something like this before so I wouldn't know how to begin.

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