New TAS run
1 year ago
California, USA

Very interesting. Take a look.

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I saw the TAS video and I do not mean it could be improved or not, just to talk about the points where I think there could be something overlooked.

  1. Not getting Bandit's Shoes (it puts you in Area 1 if I am not mistaken if you purposely get caught into the whirlwind on Area 3 (final area where we are initially when coming to the desert). Even if it directly costs time to grab the boots; instead of back-tracking all the way to Power Down. It could serve as a reverse diminishing return to grab it to get closer to the Power Down? Bandit's Shoes is normally very far away since we start in Area 1 of a Classic run, but now we already are in Area 3 as starting position, meaning we do not waste anywhere near as much time grabbing it as in a Classic Run is basically the big point I'm making. Honestly, I get why it would not be super-beneficial in the TAS anyway since you can manipulate turns to the fullest of the solo character fights on Moon. Swapping around the boots for each male char's solo battle is probably something only worth doing in a RTA. So my point for this could be no time save at all in this section, just making sure it was not overlooked if it was.

  2. Melbu Frahma Manipulation Getting Albert (or Dart albeit more difficult) sucked into the armor of Phase 2 of Melbu Frahma. This prevents the phase shift. The concept video is below, altough it is stolen from a classic run. It seems more feesable in a TAS seeing how much damage Miranda deals. You bring Phase 2 down to its threshold (18500 HP? or close to this number of dealt damage) then you let Albert (or preferably Dart) get sucked into his armor to prevent phase shifting. You would then need cast 8 Psyche Bomb Xs and a Gust of Wind Dance(?) to kill. Not sure if this is possible since you do not have access to ALL the booster items. Just something I thought could be possible in a TAS to speed up at least 3 minutes (probably more).

California, USA

Neither of those were overlooked by the TASman. Both are slower 100%

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