Livable Pits
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

So I was streaming the game tonight and ended up messing up the beach level and found that some if not most of the ocean doesn't kill you. I'm not sure if this could be used during the level to save some time or if there are pits like these ones in the sewer level. If they do exist in the sewer level then we could be able to find a way to clip through walls to make that level go even faster. Same thing with the train level as well. So I might just teach my self how to use a TAS to try to figure this stuff out, but if anyone else knows how to TAS by all means do it cause this could lead to huge time saves possibly. Or it could just be a fun little glitch that I'm overhyping. But I just wanted to share this info with everyone.

I "found" that earlier and used that in my Any% run. Since you don't slow down for the final 2 jumps to land on the platforms, it saves time.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
LadyGalaga e Thee_Deadguy curtiu isso

That glitch saves time on the final screen by allowing you to jump into the green light without having to slow down to land on the pillars. The top runs by me, Thee_Deadguy, and CrabbyCrab101 all use this strat to save time there if you want to see it performed.

Otherwise, so far as I can tell, it isn't useful because going down there will make it more difficult to kill enemies which will cause the game to lag. A significant portion of speedrunning this game is lag reduction which is predominately done by killing enemies.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Also if anyone knows how to TAS we should try to get one up or I’ll try to learn to so we can have one

LadyGalaga curtiram isso

I know how to TAS, but it would take a lot of experimenting to make it optimal.

LadyGalaga curtiram isso
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