Timing changes
5 years ago
Tyrol, Austria

As starting the timing at the name confirmation isn't really accurate as it is difficult to say when it was clicked when having to do a detailed framecount we are going to change the start of timing to the first frame the tamagotchi is fully visible.

petaQ curtiram isso
Cumbria, England

Hi Amen, just did a run of this game and was confused to see my time against others. I can't work out where timing for the existing runs comes from. When I attempt to time the top run I seem to get a result of 1:56.633 to .654 depending on just using the YT frame data or trusting the seeming accurate frame timer within the video. Has timing changed from tamagotchi visible or is there an error somewhere?

Tyrol, Austria

Hi @petaQ! Welcome to the Tamagotchi speedrun community and congratulations on your new WR! I just verified your video and watching it with your comment about how you timed the run and can see where the confusion is coming from. It seems the rules are worded a bit confusing and aren't as clear as I thought they were. Timing ends, as you correctly stated in your submission, on the first frame of the death animation, so it seems to me that that needs no better description. Timing starts when the tamagotchi is fully visible (as in its face is visible) after the fade from black after the hatching animation is done. There is a short window in which the tamagotchi is fully black, as soon as it switches to its real color and its facial features (eyes and mouth) are visible timing starts. In the case of your video its frame 1535. Thanks for letting me know, I'm going to try to descripe it better in the rules. Please let me know if the rules aren't still clear enough after I updated them. Also please let me know if I should change the description text of your submission.

Cumbria, England

OH, now I see, so it's just from gain of control after the cutscene ^^ Fantastic! Being from England is apparently no guarantee of being friends with English in my case 🤣

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