New Category Ideas/Requests
6 years ago
Kansas, USA

As the title suggests, I was thinking about some new runs for this game. Let me know your opinion on these.

Cat% (what the other forum post was about) There are 7 instances of the house cat on Tacoma in the game. The goal is to find all 7. -Game starts when you hit Start in the menu -Ends when you hover your mouse over the last cat in the hub. This one is based loosely on the Steam achievement, which requires you to find each cat and hover your mouse over them so that the "housecat" text shows up. Could also end it with going to the end credits, doesn't matter to me. I feel like this will run a lot like Any%.

Story% Based on the ARdcore achievement, go thru the game and get every piece of information you can. This means going to each AR area and viewing every ARdesktop (including all 4 of the icons on the desktop) and also looking at every characters physical desktop as well. -Game starts when you hit start on the menu. -Timer ends when you click on the chair in your ship and the final cutscene starts.

100% (or All Achievements) Get all 12 achievements in-game. These are the Steam ones, and again what I based the run on. This is basically you doing everything you can on Tacoma, so I feel like this is the 100% of this game. The twelve achievements are: 1: Liberated- Escape with ODIN 2: ARdcore - View every crew record and desktop item. 3: From Downtown - Make a 3-point shot in basketball. 4: Therefore Art Thou - Activate Juliet (the second cleaner bot) and reunite her with Romeo. 5: Ringbearer - Retrieve Bert's wedding ring and finish the game with it. 6: Punch-Out!! - Go a full round with the punching bag in the Gym. 7: Employee of the Month - Escape Tacoma having read all messages from Venturis. 8: Catsitter - Found all cats. 9: Spellcheck - Fix the Obsolescence Day sign. 10: Master of Unlocking - Escape Tacoma having unlocked every keypad and lock. 11: Skeletina - Give the skeleton her hat and head back. 12: Make a basket with Tina's skull - Use the skeleton head to make a basket shot. -Run starts when you click Start in the menu. -Timer ends when you click on the chair in your ship, and the final cutscene plays.

Let me know your opinion on these! I'd be more than willing to write a guide or two on how the larger two runs could work.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
SirArthvr e Ladnok curtiu isso

Hey MangoJuice!

I think we should add the categories you mentioned, it would be great! Regarding the Cat%, I like the name and I think it fits perfectly, and considering how speedruns normaly work, I think the rules should be as you described, but the timer ends when you click on the chair and lose control over your character. This is only because, as I said, that's the usual way that speedruns work even in special categories. So, the rules for Cat% could be as follows:

  • Find all 7 of the house cat instances. The indicator that appears on top of the screen when you look at the cat must be shown for it to count.
  • Get to the ending credits, no additional restrictions.
  • The timer starts in the moment you confirm that you want to start a new game.
  • The timer ends when you clic on the chair and the last in-game cutscene starts to play.

In the case of the Story%, I personally think it would be more clear and make more sense if we just call it ARdcore%, the term "Story" is kinda subjective imo :p but let me know if you disagree with this, I wouldn't mind calling it Story%. The rules for this would be:

  • Recover every AR Crew Record and AR Desktop item.
  • Get to the ending credits, no additional restrictions.
  • The timer starts in the moment you confirm that you want to start a new game.
  • The timer ends when you clic on the chair and the last in-game cutscene starts to play.

And finally for 100% or All Achievements, I agree that in this game All Achivements means basically 100% of the game, but I think it would be more fair to call it All Achievements. Again, just my opinion, but I'll let you have the last call on the name for this hehe. The rules for this would be:

  • Get all steam achievements. Every achievement notification must be shown in the video. (I guess the notification thing doesn't have to be necesary, but it would be easier to verify runs with this, let me know what you think about it)
  • Get to the ending credits, no additional restrictions.
  • The timer starts in the moment you confirm that you want to start a new game.
  • The timer ends when you clic on the chair and the last in-game cutscene starts to play.

Please let me know what you think about this, feel very free to be completely honest, and when we get to a final agreement, I will create the new categories! Oh, and sorry if I had any mistakes writing, english is not my main language FeelsBadMan.

EvenEagle curtiram isso
Kansas, USA

That's perfectly fine with me! I'm not super creative with the names, so all of those work. And looking bat at Cat% it does make a lot more sense ending it there!

Also with the steam notifications, I'm not sure if you can reset them or not. Since I already have them it would be a lot harder to show that we have them done.


You can reset the steam achievements, but it is kinda tricky to do, so I'll just leave that part away from the rules. I am gonna start working on creating the new categories as soon as I can!

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