Changes to Timing Method

Since we had some close times, and I needed to do more accurate timings, I went ahead and retimed a number of runs.

My timing method works as such: I download the video. Then, I look for the beginning frame. In this instance, the beginning frame is the last frame of video in which the game feed is at it's brightest. When the next frame of game play dims, I know the input has been on the preceding frame to start the game. The last frame is the first frame in which the final number appears in its box. From there, I can count up the number of frames between these two points to get an accurate measure for timing the runs. Having runners time it themselves leads to slight in inaccuracies (should as starting LiveSplit slightly early/late, and ending the split slightly early or late.)

Going forward, I will time runs via this method under two conditions; 1.) A time has crossed a certain threshold in which runs will be beating one another by milliseconds instead of seconds and 2.) to resolve ties in submitted runs. All other runs will have milliseconds removed from the board.

Feel free to reply here, or message me with any questions or concerns.

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Postado 4 years ago
Postado 6 years ago