Hello, i'm Bfea. I've just recently started to practice speed running and was looking to start speed running Styx: Master of shadows, but i'm not sure where to begin. I was wondering if someone could help me out to get started?
Obviously complete the game first of all, then practices levels induvidually. Check out old runs of current strats etc, everyone does it different.
And there is new time saves which havent been implemented into any current runs yet, so there is still plenty of time to save in the run!
Sounds good, I've completed the game and just running levels everyday. Just working on getting the routes memorised.
My WR run probably has the most up to date route as I was running it last. There is a small skip which isnt included but its only minor.
There is also some massive skips in some levels looking at the leaderboards, but its hard to figure them out or even if they are legit.
Library skip is always the fastest way.. there is no other route for that one as it compeltely skips the whole level by going oob.