Start/Stop Time
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

I think I want to bring the start and stop time in line with the first and last inputs that matter, so I'm going to set them at selecting the difficult and at the end of the final cutscene skip (leading into the credits).

I can adjust times manually, but I didn't want to do it without input from the other runners. Thoughts?

Texas, USA

Should be the be choosing the difficulty and then the last hit.

Ohio, USA

The reason I don't want to do last hit, is that avoiding achievements saves you time in every other stage. If you just go by the last hit, than that doesn't matter in Finally Finals.

Texas, USA

maybe when the credit roll

Ohio, USA

I'm good with credit roll

Tennessee, USA

Credit roll works for me I guess

Ohio, USA

Alright, I'll retime the runs with the new timing. Fungisoup, since you didn't skip the cutscene, I'll see how long it takes when you skip the cutscene and add that on.

Ohio, USA

It only ended up adding 3 seconds to your two runs. Mine was already timed with credits, since I forgot the stop time.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
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