just wondering. is there gonna be bunker mission like. ?RT or clear site etc etc. ??? cause I run bunker mission
If you can outline some Rules, I'll gladly add one. Currently, I'm not sure about a starting point and how to select which bunker to alleviate some randomness, since otherwise you'll have to reset for probably hours to get the proper mission.
The Current most Reliable mission to start the run is "Clear out site" on Arcorp.
The Arcorp chossen for 2 reason.
- Lyria and wala dont have thick Atmo so we can fly to bunker faster.
- both 2 planet dont consume a lot your PC to compute. microtech have worse perfomance than Hurston. so FPS can be problematic. (it's for your own good)
The "Clear out site" have 2 type misison. usually just look for the payment. -15000 Auec is to kill 10 (tens) nine kill bandits -22500 Auec is to kill 8 (Eights) nine kill bandits. it has Description about "dont shoot civilian"
-the 15000 Auec is Chosen. because there is only 10 Bandits to kill. so just pure bandit's -the 22500 Auec is not chosen. because there is 8 bandits to kill. the other is Civilian NPC roaming around. these NPC can distract Bunker runner. so the 22500 payment not chosen.
Why "Clear out site" why not. ?RT, Protecting site, Defense site from minor Threat. Some Enemy NPC are still on they Spawn location not moving in their elevator. so is Considerably very bad for running.
-?RT is clossest. but it's just to kill Main Target rather than Clearing bandit. this not chosen because Runner just can run to main target and kill and run away. the main target have their head marker. which is not great for playing
-Protecting site. These mission have Security Guard roaming around. which is they can kill the bandit. so not chosen.
-Defense site from minor or major. this was almost I want to chose for runner. But there is main problem. if the Bwin hit above 5. the mission will Freeze. so you can't complete the mission. it can be problematic. so not chosen.
How you deal with the bunker mission location. they have different location and area. Wala have 1
- Good time Temple. 4 Turrets Lyria have 5
- ElseWhere. 4 turrets
- Teddy play house. 4 Turrets
- Buckets. 4 Turrets
- The pit. 1 Turrets. (you can land behind the building)
- Launch pad. 2 turret. (you can land behind the building)
preferably get on lyria moon. not wala.
what about inside the bunker they all Different from each other They Different. but from mapping zone they just shuffle around. some Back_room can be placed on Different area. so it's just about Adaptation
so what the Requirement for the run. there is 2 type of run -knock out (KO) -Any%
the Knock out run. you only can use "undersuit and Helmet or naked" you knock them with "Middle Scroll. Not even Knife is allowed
The Any%. you allowed use anything to to kill all 10 bandtis. they must be Confirmed dead not knock out. you are not Allowed to use any external weaponry such as Dragon fly, or any ship that can bomb the bunker such as A2 bom.
From technical specification. it's better your run in -High FPS (obviously) -High Sfps 6 to 15 are good. lower that that. not count (it's for your own sanity) -lowest Bwin must be around 0.005 to 1.5. if that jump to like 3. and fast drop again to below 1 is acceptable.
how the Start begin and how the ending end.
the most Formal as far I know. it's better from your Step away from the Elevator_zone to Entrance_Zone it's the starting timer.
and How to end the run the currently reliable is to use Animation hitting + sound for sign to end over use "objective Complete". sometimes "Objective complete" can be problematic based on Sfps. so that not chosen.
the link below is for Exemplary run
this is like Version 1 for speed running for 3.19.1 I like to hear any suggestion. Thank you
So I've been putting this off for a while but it's kinda here? I've made a discord but need help with what we want in the server.
I'm good at making normal servers but I want to forge this around the community so I'd really appreciate your guys help. First 10 in the server will get a badge btw.