[POLL] Integrate "All Levels" into "Any%" as a variable instead of a category.
The following is a poll on the Proposal: "Integrate All Levels into Any% subcategory as variable instead of a category."
The choices are:
A: Reorganise the leaderboard, so that "All Levels" is now a variable which appears under the "Any" category. All Levels runs will not obsolete Any% runs.
B: Leave the leaderboard as is, so that "All Levels" remains its own category.
How to Vote:
- Only those who have verified, full game, main board SuperTux runs can vote.
- Vote by replying to this message with your choice only and once only.
- Please take notice of the original Proposal and discussion on the Tux Speedrunning Community Discord.
Vote Below by replying with either "A" or "B" in place of "X" as your message:
I vote for "X"
Editado por o autor
Runs recentes
Nível: Welcome to Antarctica
Nível: Bouncy Coils
Nível: Ghosttree's Challenges
Nível: Shocking
10 respostas
0 resposta