Updates to the game
Congo, Democratic Republic

With TSC submissions being down since March and the site's infrastructure growing more outdated by the second, it's finally time to put some IL leaderboards up here

This thread will let you know what has been changed for this game, in case you're not in the Sonic Speedrunning discord server. Finished updating the game want to hear some opinions on the IL boards if people have any or suggestions.

  1. Control Filter For full game runs there is a new filter added for what control scheme you use if you play both controller and wii mote just pick wii mote because wii mote has access to a few exclusive skips while controller runners are more limited.

  2. IL boards They have been added and you can submit to it in 3 days

Glitched and No Ultra Skip (explained in the rules and some stages have more specified skips banned in their rules)

Stage IL/ lap IL will be split into 2 sections and the control schemes a well (controller/wiimote)

  1. Emulator submissions IL exclusive rules

In the case of using emulators:

  • Only PCSX2 and dolphin emulator are allowed.

  • No replay of your earlier attempt allowed to be submitted.

  • FPS Counter and upper window bar must be shown on the video.

  • Only use the stable versions of both emulators.

  1. New Catagory Suggestions New Catagories that are in consideration if there are 3 runners for it atleast are:

No Ultra Skip for full Game Runs:

  • Heroes Story
  • Babylon Story
  • All Stories

No Ultra Skip and Glitched for Misc. categories:

  • World Grand Prix Heroes
  • World Grand Prix Babylon
  • All Missions
Editado por o autor 4 years ago
arielus05 e Sm4sh curtiu isso
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

But how the hell do you show the upper bar with OBS ?


Shouldnt it Work with "Window Capture" and Just scaling it

SpiritFox curtiram isso
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

had to uncheck "client area"

niPin curtiram isso