If I die in a run can I coutinue from that stage?
2 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I died on the sky canyon boss as usual because it absolutely cheap and I stopped the run but could I just continue from sky canyon and if so does have to be the very beginning or can it be sky canyon 2 ?

Wisconsin, USA

No, you'll have to start over from sky canyon 1 - we replicate runs based off of starting off of a completely new game, and a game over would throw you back to the start of the zone. Also if you game over on a boss, you can't continue the run directly from that boss anyways.

My recommendation is to look at a map of sky canyon and also a few runs - don't have to follow the speedrun strats persay, but just knowing where to go will help immensely. The fact that you're game over-ing in sky canyon implies that you're juts winging the runs anyways.

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