Discord server
3 years ago
Île-de-France, France

Hello everyone !

With the upcoming releasing of Fuga: Melodies of Steel, the latest game in the "Little Tail Bronx" series, it has been decided to extend the Tail Concerto speedrun discord server to the Little Tail series.

This means you can now find the Little Tail Speedrun discord server on the "Discord" tab on the left of the leaderboard page.

This aims at 3 things:

  • Attracting more people to speedrunning Solatorobo by giving it more visibility with the release of a new game in the Little Tail series.
  • Gathering the ressources there as well for more accessibility and more visibility.
  • Discussions are easier on Discord than using the forum thread. The forum can still be used for important announcements regarding the leaderboard.

Thanks, and I'll hopefully see you there.

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Postado 5 years ago
4 respostas
Postado 3 months ago
3 respostas
Postado 3 years ago
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Postado 6 years ago
2 respostas