Setting up Categories & Rules!
8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash is a pretty great video game card came! I'd say it's definitely up there with other card game video games like Pokemon or Yugioh but thanks to it being on the Neo Geo Pocket it's pretty obscure....

Well I hope to remedy that by making it slightly more relevant again thanks to opening it up to speedruns!

This thread is dedicated to discussing what can be done for Card Fighters' Clash speedruns, whether that's adding a new listings for a particular type of speedrun, adjusting the rules to an existing one, or any other types of concerns involving the game it shall be handled all here! =D

What is the difference between the ANY and Main Game rules? The rules look identical.

New Jersey, USA

The Main Difference is on ANY Rules you can play the game as Quickly as Possible and not have to Duel Everyone but on Main Game Rules you MUST encounter every Main Map Duelist in a Duel at least once as stated by "All runs must have all encounters with Duel able NPCs."

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
NewSchoolBoxer curtiram isso
Estatísticas do jogo