Why the new rules and rejection of year old runs that do not follow new rules?
4 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

I had a run one of 2 for USA. was second place. was up for over 10 months. today was rejected cause all of the maps now have a minimum incorrect number. shockingly. the numbers change per map.

i had 10 errors so usa now rejects at 10.

seems kinda lame specially for a category that had 2 runs. dqing 1 for a new rule 10 months after the fact kinda weird and lame.

since each map has a different amount. looks like im not gonna be the only one who just loses a run randomly.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
grntsz curtiram isso

Fwiw, there were more runs on that board that got deleted, like mine. The timer was hella inconsistent. Seems like they're finally doing something about it


Nevermind, just read the rules, that's very arbitrary. That rule wasn't in the spirit of the original game

Fioresa curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USA

There were a handful of runs removed across Snappy Maps. The maximum number of incorrects is not arbitrary; it's based around 80% correct, which is still quite generous. I had to reject old runs, because grandfathering them would be unfair.

The reason for the rule change is to force skill and knowledge of the maps into the game. As it stood, you could get every country wrong, yet still get a good time, because of how the game works.

If you wish to discuss the changes, please join the Discord. I put a call out, asking if anyone had issues with changing the rules, before making the change.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

is what it is. just gonna move along, no point in running games to be deleted a year later.

should use src for announcements though in the future.

thanks for letting me know, you felt that it wasnt in the spirit of the game, but allowed by the rules, is the reason.

wonder what will be the next item against the spirit :)

way i see it. 2 runs in a category. deleting 1 after a year due to incorrects that werent a rule.

but as you said, you cant leave em grandfathered in.

cept the other one is allowed to stay?

so 1 gets deleted 1 stays. reason the 1 gets deleted. new rule u made up and announced privately.

seems legit.

Pennsylvania, USA

I'm sorry that happened in your stream. I don't think we have a community, though, given the overall inactivity in the game and the lack of runners. Sounds like one person being an asshole for no reason.

grntsz, Cuttyflame e 2 outros curtiu isso
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