Super Luigi Odyssey Mod!
1 month ago
Florida, USA

Will there be a Super Luigi Odyssey Mod Speedrun?

SuperGamer64 curtiram isso
Ohio, USA

Probably not.

Ohio, USA

mods are banned for this game. if you want it to be a seperate game on src, you can try submitting it here.

Glitchedblood curtiram isso

Maybe something like Luigi%? Like getting golden balloons in luigis balloon world or getting the luigi costune?

Lava_heroBOOM curtiram isso
Ohio, USA

I can see getting all gold balloons, but probably not Luigi outfit

Basque Country

try yourself the speedrun and see if you like it! if so, you can share it in it's place in the discord server and consult this post

Tried it and It is a bit time consuming but I got a strat

Update: OBS is not letting the sound go through so Idk if I can submit it without sound

Ohio, USA

if you do get the sound working feel free to submit it here so more people can do runs

IconicIan29 curtiram isso