Is 4-2 any% is 377 possible?
2 months ago

Hi everybody! I started playing with TAS and managed to get into wrong pipe in 4-2 just one frame short from geting 377. I believe it can be done. Here is video I created where you can clearly see frame by frame. Any suggestion or ideas?

mrnandokk curtiram isso

I’m not sure on ntsc but the pal l+r tas gets in the pipe at 377. And if you are fire Mario you can shoot the plant in the pipe right after the vine block and clip in that pipe so when you enter the ww pipe the time is 377 saving a frame rule. Only problem is you have to collect power ups which wastes time.

GMHack, mrnandokk, e SharpGoalAxe curtiu isso
California, USA

If you're one frame away, you can do an underground fast accel, or UFA, to save a frame. To do it, just press R, R(Normal R pressing), L, R+A, R, R(More normal R pressing) etc (With B being held the entire time), the frame Mario's speed is 26. Should save a frame.

GMHack curtiram isso
California, USA

However, I just realized this video was done on PAL, and you can't use the same methods of acceleration on PAL.

GMHack curtiram isso

Thanks! PAL version is still legit to use in speedruns, wright?

California, USA

Yes but it's a different subcategory. (Similar to the fact that console and emulator are different subcategories in SM64)

Aquitaine, France

Yeah, but only in the PAL Category

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