
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah! I got it! This is a very good run for me. A lot a tiny mistakes make this run just very good and not excelent. But I'm still fine with a "very good" run because even that is very difficult to get aha! So the factory was very sloppy, I missed a lot of strat and did a lot of mistakes but I didn't die. I caught up the time I lost in factory in hell. Someone called me on my phone on the 4-18 that's why I forgot to get out of the lvl. At this point I knew rapture would determine the destiny of this run. And I got a clean rapture with not a lot of risky strat indeed (my safe routing by skipping the 5-1 for example). And at the end of rapture I thought "well this is actually very good for now" at this moment the pressure started to come. At larries I was perfectly calm, I knew he was gonna troll me again and it turns out I was wrong and gave me a 4 cycles! Thank you larries! And then I thought "Ok now I'm gonna screw up the end". This end was very sloppy because of the intense pressure, no fast strat here neither, I wanted to play very safe and I did.

I still can't believe that I got a deathless sub 18:30 run x) The better thing I hopped to get was a sub exo and now I have a sub 18:30. I fell obviously very happy about that, and I think I'm done with this category for a very long time.

PS: The final time is not 18:27:82 but 18:27:92, I splitted a bit early on the run, too excited lol

Enjoy that 60fps footage :p

18m 27s
10 years ago
10 years ago