Nintendo Switch.
1 year ago
Michigan, USA

I have recently been routing this game for a future speed run but I play on Switch. I was wondering if you could add switch to list of consoles. The process to soft reset involves brining up a menu and scrolling down to reset so I don't know if this would be an issue.

Minnesota, USA

Wouldn't be an issue at all. Most platforms run a similar reset system which is why playing on virtual console can be a slight time loss, but nothing too disheartening. With the game coming out on most newer consoles, I'm sure there are more that aren't on the page as of right now and I'm sure there will be more added in the future. It is definitely something to keep an eye out for and point out when noticed.

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Postado 1 year ago
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Postado 1 year ago
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Postado 6 years ago
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