Potential time save for The Super Chum Bucket
2 years ago
United States

So I found what could be a massive time save for The Super Chum Bucket. By taking apart the controller and pressing up and down at the same time on the ladders, Spongebob will climb the ladders quicker than normal, which could save a second or two each time it is done. I don't know if this would set a new president for glitches being allowed, or if modification like that would be allowed since you would have to take the controller apart to even take advantage of this glitch, but if those 2 things are allowed, this is some huge timesave potential. I'm too lazy to run this game right now, so I will leave this up to the mod and other runners of the game if this should be allowed / if it will even be used. I will end this by leaving a video of this glitch in action so you can see exactly what I am talking about:

Washington, USA
Super moderadorkillingpepsi
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

This has been known about for a bit, and I would be down to add is as an adjacent category, but nobody has done a full with it as of yet. Also I would do it myself but my controller probably wouldn't work anymore if I take it apart. If you (or someone else) end up getting to a run with it let me know and I'll be more than happy to add a new category for it.

United States

Ah okay, I thought that this was some massive never before seen glitch, whoops. I might potentially do a run with it in the future, but at the very least, that is good to know that it was already discovered, thanks!

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