Big Update ?
5 years ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Hello it seems that a maj was made preventing some glitch. Can you confirm that for me? Because if that's the case, it's useless to continue at speed run on it. Thanks.

Western Australia, Australia

What glitch do you mean? The most recent update added Grimm Gauntlet mode, and the one before that added two new Horde maps, but that's about it. The most substantial change to the game I can remember is gravity being changed when JNPR was added, but this was almost three years ago.

You can still get through the game very quickly, Any% or No Skips. Some skips were found that wouldn't have worked pre-JNPR, and pre-JNPR methods that revolved around gravity won't work anymore.

It's up to you if that's a dealbreaker, but if you only recently started playing the game, I wouldn't worry about it. Alternatively you could download the 1.10.05r version and run that if you want, nothing stopping you!

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
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