Hello there
7 years ago

I recently discovered this game and I was wondering if you could add ILs to it since the game heavily rely on those, there's already some runs on yt. Alternatively, I don't want to beg for it but if you don't really care anymore I would be willing do add some stuff.

Should have asked here before on the tweets my bad, didn't remeber about the new thread notif thingy.

Minnesota, USA

Hi, a year late to see this (my bad). As much fun as it is to set IL's in game I would have to say it probably isn't the best fit for this site. The main reason is that there is barely any competition and many levels would either have a missing 1st place time or a 1st place time with notable mistakes. There are also a few levels straightforward to the point that a frame perfect time could be achieved with little to no effort. Unless this game explodes with popularity I think it's best to just stick with the any% category to not ruin the game's "speed reputation." If there are any tutorials or really helpful resources you want added feel free to share those.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago

Hey wow surprised to see the notif aha Thanks for answering tho and yeah as you can imagine I moved on so no worries at all :> You're making good points tho and I agree that without any competition it wouldn't be really interesting of course, although there'd be some incentive if the category is created but yeah realisticly you wouldn't see much activity on there. the other point is also very true in that I feel almost half of the levels in the game would be frame perfect with little or a bit of effort, making a lot of wr ties if there was ever competition. Already thought about that one and it's a real shame.

I think you're right and all this is reason enough to not add them, tl;dr shoulda deleted my post if I remember it existed aha

Talking about helpful ressources I'll look it up again but I'm quite sure I don't have anything of real value outside of some IL strats maybe but ye :>

Thanks for your time and sorry for the bother

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Postado 6 years ago
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