Casual / Hard categories ?
2 years ago
Québec City, QC

I'm planning on speedrunning the game and I was wondering if we need a Casual Mode category and an Hard Mode category? Also, when exactly do we stop time at the end of the speedrun?

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
KCadventure e LordSwank curtiu isso
Lower Saxony, Germany

All the older Games have a hard and easy category, so I'd say this one should as well?

I'm still in the casual playthrough (stupid reallife), but I'll see what I can come up with afterwards.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
New York, USA

hey folks, i do believe 2x categories (much like Monkey Island 2 + 3 have) is the plan. this game currently has a 2 week hold on submissions it since it's new, but I suspect the boards will be set up soon.

it doesn't look like it's been added to the board yet, but much of the chatter for this has been in the Speedy Adventures discord, you are welcome to join:

looking forward to running this with you folks! i haven't yet finished yet (ch2) but have been having a blast with it so far.

GreenDayFan e KCadventure curtiu isso
Québec City, QC

Yeah I'm taking my time finishing the game and enjoying it. Once it will be 100% finished I'm gonna try running it. I'm new at this so I can't wait to be a part of this small community!

thewoofs curtiram isso
Utah, USA

Yes, I can confirm that when the speedrun embargo is lifted (see recent news post) there will be seperate categories for both Casual and Hard Mode.

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Welcome to Return to Monkey Island Speedrunning

As many of you have already figured out, the Speedrun Embargo has been lifted and the runs are already coming in HOT! Thanks everyone for your patience and lets have some fun!

2 years ago
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