Why Gonnarockthishouse's run was removed
6 years ago

For anyone who is unaware, the reason why Gonnarockthishouse's runs were removed was because he had disabled all of the pre-rendered cutscenes. The way he had achieved this was by changing a setting in the game's in2.ini file which disables all pre-rendered cutscenes. Many settings can be changed by using the in2.ini file such as making it so the game loads you into the final boss after starting a new file. Obviously that's a lot more extreme but what he did was still basically cheating. The only way to disable cutscenes on console (excluding emulators) would be to use a cheat device such as Action Replay. This would save even more time on consoles due to longer loads and the fact that some versions make you wait 2.5 seconds to skip cutscenes but I think you could see why that's cheating if it wasn't already clear. Because of what he had done, his time was removed from the leaderboards and despite the fact that he was told what he was doing is cheating, he completely lashed out calling us stupid for thinking that and refusing to run with cutscenes enabled. He also insulted multiple people in our discord to try and prove that he wasn't cheating as well as calling himself "The God of the game" due to the fact that he had WR, found the most useful strats and had spent his whole life playing the game more than anyone while he continued to insult us for not agreeing with how good he is at the game. This was not the main reason why we removed his runs however but it was a contributing factor. Any future runs he (or anyone else) submits with cutscenes disabled will not be verified and unless he starts running with cutscenes enabled, his runs will not be appearing on these boards. If Gonnarockthishouse appears in any other communities, be weary because of what he did when he ran this game as well as while he was in our community.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Bazralian e MrNido7 curtiu isso
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Postado 6 years ago
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