Retiming Help
Hello, I have found a way to clearly retime the (Sedan Full Run and Sedan Sport Full Run + IL Runs)
Sedan Full Run: Time starts the frame the "Spacebar" GUI appears on the screen.
Sedan Sport Full Run + IL Runs: Time starts the frame the white curve line on one of the wheels of the car moves.
You pretty much have to eye-ball the other categories, the explanations above can be timed perfectly to the frame.
Catlico curtiram isso
I think there may be a change in the CyberTruck's backlights, but I'm not sure, it seems to either get brighter or get lighter when you start to move.
Runs recentes
Nível: Level 1-Sedan
Nível: Level 1-Sedan
Nível: Level 3-Sedan
Nível: Level 1-Sedan
Nível: Level 1-Sedan