Normal in 28m 32s by
I must have only finished 3 runs of this category, but I'm super happy with how I played this run in a macro sense
Also my first good WR with a random starting deck and with mage after struggling with mage a lot in other categories
Divisões de tempo
Fornecido por
# | Nome | Divisão | Finalizado em |
1 | 1st Boss | 1m 05s 754ms | 1m 05s 754ms |
2 | 2nd Boss | 1m 00s 547ms | 2m 06s 301ms |
3 | 3rd Boss | 1m 16s 338ms | 3m 22s 639ms |
4 | Gimme Bob | 0m 56s 706ms | 4m 19s 345ms |
5 | 4th Boss Ouro | 0m 58s 650ms | 5m 17s 995ms |
6 | 5th Boss | 2m 13s 252ms | 7m 31s 247ms |
7 | Bob 2: Bob Harder Ouro | 0m 59s 227ms | 8m 30s 474ms |
8 | 6th Boss | 2m 13s 100ms | 10m 43s 574ms |
9 | 7th Boss | 2m 40s 646ms | 13m 24s 220ms |
10 | 8th Boss | 2m 30s 743ms | 15m 54s 963ms |
11 | 9th Boss | 2m 17s 602ms | 18m 12s 565ms |
12 | 10th Boss Ouro | 3m 20s 047ms | 21m 32s 612ms |
13 | 11th Boss Ouro | 2m 51s 093ms | 24m 23s 705ms |
14 | Finale Ouro | 4m 08s 569ms | 28m 32s 274ms |
Hearthstone Loadless Timer
(Edit: The loadless timer isn't working correctly for now due to game updates. Not recommended to use the timer for now.)
A loadless timer for Hearthstone has been made recently by Streetbackguy.
At the moment, we're still sorting the leaderboard by real time. But we're encouraging every runners t
Runs recentes
Nível: V. Kirin Tor Citadel
Nível: I. Dalaran Bank
Nível: IV. The Underbelly