Here is the problem. If, while Biohazard.exe is running, I start Livesplits I can't use autosplits for some reason, the timer just starts running and I have to stop it. I heard that I have to start the program as administrator but if I do that Biohazard crashes. I tried to re-install it and it still crashes. I made it work in the beginning somehow. I started both Livesplits and the game and when I started the timer it stayed at 0 right until the first cutscene ended. But now something changed and it's not working. Any ideas?
Bio 1 is known to crash if you load another program while it is open. Run everything as administrator. Open Livesplit and anything else you need before you load the game. The game shouldn't crash if you don't load anything else once it is open.
It has come to our attention that the current version of Duckstation (v0.1-7675) runs considerably slower than earlier versions. Until we figure out what can be done to either get the current version up to speed with the other times on the board we suggest that runners use v0.1-7294, which can be fo