Loading black screen after the ship tape
2 years ago

Hello! I'd like to ask a question about the black loading screen after the ship tape. I always play Resident Evil 7 and speedrun on my PS4, but after I watch the whole ship tape, the screen goes black for a long period of time, which difficults the speedrun a lot, because sometimes I almost spend 1 minute of the run looking at a black screen. Is there anything I can do to reduce that loading time? If so, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!

United States

Loads do not count towards IGT so you are not losing time. That being said it is a loooooong load so if it really bugs you try for a SSD. Other than that there's nothing for PS4. Also the ending scene you want to skip right away, and is the only Cutscene that you can skip. Watching that play out counts towards IGT. (The Cutscene not the actual Black load)

DynastyDN curtiram isso

Thank you for the answer! Have a nice day

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