Silly Start Time Question ?
3 years ago
United States

I just started following this game, and could use some help.

I read over the rules and saw that you start your timer after the "Difficulty Selection Screen". However, this presents a small problem for me.

I am playing on a fresh game file with no saved data at all. This is causing the game to begin immediately after I hit "Start" on the main menu. In other words, I don't have any "Difficulty Selection Screen" to show in my video.

My Question: Can I do a play through and just begin my timer after I hit "Start" on the main menu?

P.S. I am playing on Nintendo Game Cube. I know how to unlock the "Difficulty Selection Screen". I am just trying to avoid doing an extra play through.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago

Not sure where you read that, but for console runs it is not necessary to use a timer, since runs are timed by IGT which is the time that shows up at the end when you make your one and only save. Using a timer on console is mainly to keep track of timesaves/timelosses easier. Just keep in mind that the default difficulty the game chooses when you don't have the option to do so is Normal, so make sure to submit your run under that category if you decide to go with it. I hope I was clear!

Bruce_McGivern curtiram isso
United States

Oh snap, I totally forgot u guys use the in game timer. That will work out perfect!

Most games today are all about those live split timers, man. Playing a game using an in game timer will be a nice change of pace. Sounds very refreshing.

It's also good to know that the default difficulty is "Normal". Thanks for the heads up on that. I will be trying a "No Merchant" run on "Normal" mode very soon.

Thanks for the help Sawken!

Chiba, Japan

I'm not entirely sure on which version of Game cube you're playing the game, but given that you always accidentally start your run by hitting the start on the main menu I suppose it's on NTSC Gamecube, since on that version you can play the game only on Normal difficulty in your first playthrough and it doesn't give you the chance to choose one of the difficulties to play the game at all on the main menu. (On other editions of Gamecube you can select either normal or easy difficulty on your first playthrough, after you beat the game on one of these two difficulties the game unlocks the hardest difficulty and lets you have access to it.) You have only ONE available difficulty you can play when you're new to the game, so that's why it feels the game automatically starts immediately on hitting start in the main menu.

As to the timer, just as Sawken said above the timer on your gaming screen is basically only supposed to serve as a reminder for you to check out the time saves and time losses at each section of the game more easily, and many of the players prefer using it since it lets them see the timesaves/losses directly while they're still playing the game before they finish it, so that they can easily and quickly figure out if the run went good/bad without the need to bother to finish the entire run once. On steam runs it's basically necessary to use the timer and display it on your screen if you want to post your own time on this website, but when it comes to the runs on gaming consoles(including Gamecube version you've been playing on) it's not a must to use it, as on console versions the runs are timed by IGT which is the time that shows up in saving the game at the end of your run (actual time you take to play through the game on your console), and the leaderboards on every category are based on that time, so it's okay for you to submit runs here and for the moderators to add them to the leaderboards, only if you know that IGT time on your saving screen at the end and the moderators can see the runs you did are legit without any trickery whatsoever (full recorded runs without emulator, etc).

I see Sawken already answered your query justly, but hopefully this reply would help you understand the things better, and good luck on your runs if you're going to play the game for your record and submitting your runs on here in the future. 😊👍

United States

Man, you guys really know your Resident Evil 4! That's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks for the help.

I did a "No Merchant" run today... It was terrible haha. I just started running the game, and I'm sure I will improve. I am bummed out though, my time was 5 hours! lol. Thought I would fare better..

Honestly, I'd rather not submit that run though. I know I will get a better one tomorrow. I don't want the moderators to have to sit through a run that long, knowing I will just have a better one soon enough anyway. Saves me time, and saves the moderators time. Anyways, thanks a ton you two.

P.S. I am all about keeping out the trickery. Good on you guys for having a solid set of rules. Keep up the good work!

RedPointHead curtiram isso
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