Proposal for a new category "Any% Glitchless"
3 years ago

Hello everyone ! my name is Phaeally, as you can see... I would like to propose to create an "Any% Glitchless" run. I have a few runs that I did in this category, because I like the concept of finishing a game as quickly as possible, without glitch. I only recently got into speedrun, but this game is the game of my childhood and probably one of the only games (if there are others) that I would like to speedrun. I would like to post my runs in a category of its own, otherwise I would be content with the "No Major Glitch" category that I tried, with glitches allowed, but which I did not like too much.

Playing the game without glitch is for me a way to enjoy the whole game, without wanting to make ridiculous skips with glitches.

I have already tried the "Any%" and "All Teensies" category, but it did not suit me, for the Any%, it is to play the game very quickly, without really taking pleasure in admiring the landscapes and the Rayman vibe. For the All Teensies category, it was as if finishing the game was no longer the main objective. Let me know your opinion on this proposal! Have a good day and enjoy playing Rayman 3!

GoldcrafterXD, TheGreenBean6487 e 2 outros curtiu isso
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Sounds good to me 👀

United Kingdom

Personally I Think It Would Be An Interesting Category

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